Hi Brett, Let me restate the problem (in an oversimplified way, sorry about that) - the ability for disparate systems scattered across the network to push messages to interested consumers distributed across the network in a (near) real-time fashion. Did I get it right ? If that is the case, then as Glyph suggested, keep your consumers available to get messages from the producers. As an aside, can you share how you plan to go about creating a distributed subscription service - I mean, how do the consumers provide information for producers to know about the subscription status. If you think it is not right to send to the list, can you atleast (if possible) mail me atleast. Thank You Gangadhar On 5/19/05, Glyph Lefkowitz <glyph@divmod.com> wrote:
Brett Viren wrote:
We want to centralize these alarms and then serve them to one or more consumers. Ideally alarms are "pushed" to consumers rather than needing to poll so as to minimize latency between production and consumption. But, because some consumers will be behind firewalls the consumers should initiate the connection.
Anything already fit this bill or come close? If we do end up rolling our own, any suggestions to get us started in the right direction?
The obvious solution is just to roll your own and keep sockets always open from the consumers behind firewalls, and push notifications down those channels.
I'm also working on something like this, a protocol called "Q2Q", but it's heavily in development now so I wouldn't suggest it if you have any deadlines.
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