On Mon, Sep 11, 2006 at 05:24:48PM -0300, Nicolas D. Cesar wrote:
El Lunes, 11 de Septiembre de 2006 17:10, Colin McMillen escribió:
FWIW, I wrote a Perl module called Net::Ping::External that used the system 'ping' command to do ICMP ping on a variety of OSes.
Thanks Colin for your reply. I'm not a very good Perl speaker and I must do this in Python, so probably I'll see Net::Ping::External as a future reference.
That's mostly what I intended. What I mean is, a bunch of people already did the difficult work of reporting the arguments and outputs to "ping" on their system, so reading the code should at least give you an idea of how to write code that supports the systems you're interested in supporting. (Of course, most likely you only care about one specific system, in which case you may as well make a throwaway script with a shell command in it. :)) - Colin