On 29/09/10 16:56, Chris Withers wrote:
On 28/09/2010 15:21, exarkun@twistedmatrix.com wrote:
But, more crucially, the looping call then appears to stop.
The function you're looping over returns a Deferred that never fires. The LoopingCall isn't stopped, it's waiting for the Deferred.
So, inlineCallbacks/generator things will only process errbacks, not actual exceptions raised inside asyncronous code called from them?!
No. The problem is that your example is malformed. You do this: 1. Create a deferred on the "Break" class instance 2. Return it from doStuff 3. You "callLater" doesn't touch that deferred, so the generator/doStuff call a) never calls back and b) discards any errors that happen inside callLater. You want something like this: class Break: def __init__(self): self.deferred = Deferred() def __call__(self): try: del self.connector except: self.deferred.errback() else: self.deferred.callback(1)