Hi Henrik, Patches to Paisley would be greatly appreciated. On Sep 5, 2008, at 12:48 AM, Henrik Thostrup Jensen wrote:
Also, are you aware that web2 features are being slowly ported to web, and that twisted.web will continue to be the official web library?
I'm aware that something might or might not happen in the twisted web world :-).
<begin twisted web rant which would be much better suited for twisted-web> Frankly I've given up following the web vs. web2 discussions. I used web2 as it is what I am familiar with, and I wanted connection caching. I have a significant code base using web2 and beside a few issues (for which I've submitted patches and bugs, but nothing happens) it works fine, though I have to maintain a patchset for it :-/. Twisted web is currently not an option (I need request pipelining and http 1.1).
Please file tickets about making twisted.web support the HTTP/1.1 features you need, this is the best way to get that support into Paisley. It just saddens me to see a 3rd couchdb python client library spring up. 2 is bad enough but one being asynchronous and one being synchronous means it can't really be helped. Paisley development hasn't stopped it just hasn't really needed much work. -David "The Unmaintainer of Web2"