On 22/7/19 2:24 am, Amber Brown wrote:
Hello! It's time for another Twisted release!
This one is full o' stuff, including:
- The dropping of Python 3.4 support, - A better PyPI page, - twisted.internet.testing, a public-API version of twisted.test.proto_helpers, - Support for hmac-sha2-512 as a server in Conch, - Customisable certificate support for XMPP, - Tightening up of bytes/unicode arguments in Agent and twisted.web in general, - and a raft of removals of deprecated cruft.
You can get the tarball and the NEWS file athttps://twistedmatrix.com/Releases/rc/19.7.0rc1/ , or you can try it out from PyPI:
python -m pip install Twisted==19.7.0rc1
Please test it, and let me know how your applications fare, good or bad! If nothing comes up, 19.7 will release in a week.
Twisted regards,
Amber Brown (hawkowl)
PS: The full release will come with MacOS and Linux wheels for all supported Python versions, but may not come with Windows wheels.
Correction: We will have MacOS, Linux (32+64), and Windows (32+64) wheels for all supported Python versions. (Also thanks to altendky who did all the work to make this possible!) - Amber