On 05:53 am, andrew-twisted@puzzling.org wrote:
Pavel Bastov wrote:
so far I've been using only one Factory in my application. So, all the intialization and deinitialization code was in startFactory() / stopFactory().
Now I have to add another protocol with another factory. Is there a similar pair of methods for the application (server) where I can initialize resources (db pool, for example) upon startup and free them upon shutdown?
Make your own Service subclass, and override startService/stopService.
I just want to reinforce that this is really the *correct* answer, and the other suggestions (custom code before/after run(), manually calling addSystemEventTrigger) both tightly bind your application logic to the particular way your entire process starts up and shuts down, rather than having a discrete unit for your application. (Think global vs. instance variables.) The service hierarchy has issues (privilegedStartService being the biggest one) but it is generally the most flexible, since you can start and stop services and groups of services without starting and stopping the entire process.