On Feb 27, 2014, at 10:39 AM, Daniel Sank <sank.daniel@gmail.com> wrote:
Also, do you have any idea when the new documentation system will up and ready for contributions?
It's up and running; there should be a lot less need for documentation (although as you pointed out the current docs are wrong) because sphinx is better understood generally in the wider Python community.
Cool. I'm enough of a n00b that sphinx versus whatever else is all Greek for me.
If you'd like to write some ReST docs right now and submit a patch, please go ahead!
Working on it.
Let me just stress that you should work on getting the english part of the documentation right, and someone else will happily help you with the formatting. If you just can't figure out the documentation toolchain, write it in plain text. Don't get stuck on ReST or Sphinx nonsense :-). -glyph