On Tue, 27 Dec 2005 01:18:33 +0100, Andrea Arcangeli <andrea@cpushare.com> wrote:
But then while trying to debug the 50M leak in the client at every server restart (so very visible), I quickly into this:
class thing: pass
a = thing() b = thing() a.other = b b.other = a
del a del b
Code like above is very common in my twisted based server. Note that there's no __del__ method in the class "thing". So what you say seems in disagreement with the above url. Perhaps I got bitten by the common mistake "I found it on the internet so it must be true"...
the document at that URL is six years old, and so dates from a time when python's garbage collector couldn't properly deal with plain cyclical references, AFAICT. -- Moe Aboulkheir