On 09:06 am, gabriel.rossetti@arimaz.com wrote:
http://www.biais.org/blog/index.php/2007/01/23/19-python-threads-and- oschdir http://bugs.python.org/issue1367
so I need to use processes instead, as they each have their own current dir. The thing is that from what I understand, Twisted's process API is intended to be used with external executables only, correct? I wasn' t able to fins anything that allowed me to do stuff like I would using fork(). Should I just use python's fock() instead? Is it safe with Twisted?
As it happens, "python" is an "external executable". Here's an example of spawning it in such a way as to make sure that sys.path is set properly: http://divmod.org/trac/browser/trunk/Epsilon/epsilon/process.py#L7 However, Wine is also an external process. Perhaps you just want to spawn the Wine command-line using spawnProcess using the 'path' parameter set to a directory that you have created in the main process, then clean it up when the process exits? http://twistedmatrix.com/documents/8.1.0/api/twisted.internet.interfaces.IRe... Using fork() in Python has a lot of confusing issues associated with it unless you're going to exec() immediately afterwards. You probably want to stick to one of these other approaches.