It's been a while since this was discussed on the list, but I also have a use-case where extra args to twistd would be far more useful than any other option. I'm doing a little p2p thing (which I'm sure is not all that uncommon), and of course I want to test aggregate behavior of many instances, so I instantiate 100 or so on my own box. Not being able to pass in extra args to twistd makes this obviously painful, as it adds the extra step of creating a bunch of configuration or a hoard of different tac files, whereas I can spit out a simple script that spawns instances with much more ease and elegance. Just something to chew on as you all think about adding such a feature to twistd. Gary
On Fri, 9 Jun 2006 23:03:06 +0200, Terry Jones <terry at jon.es> wrote:
... Something like allowing
$ twistd -twistedopts file -- extra args here...
would be nice. Or is there a better way to do this?
.tac files _are_ configuration, so they don't _take_ configuration. You should have so little code in your .tac file that it is neither burdensome nor distasteful to make a copy and change bits of it to meet particular configuration requirements.
On the other hand, .tac files are far from the final word on configuration. They're just the last word Twisted has put in so far ;) No doubt we'll see something better added at some future date.