Hi, I have been submitting patches to txkube (Python-based Kubernetes client) to work with the latest API changes for the reactor and TLS endpoints. I am down to only 1 test failing. I submitted this patch: https://github.com/LeastAuthority/txkube/pull/152/files based on changes that I saw in https://github.com/twisted/twisted/commit/cd75dd82f41b834ec8d53827932cf56611... but haven't gotten it to work. What I am trying to do is to get txkube to the point where I can install it with Python 2.7, and then type: trial txkube.test.test_authentication.AuthenticateWithServiceAccountTests.t est_https_bearer_token_authorization and get it to work. test_https_bearer_token_authorization is pretty much the same as test_http_bearer_token_authorization, just going over https. When running the test_https_bearer_token_authorization test, I traced things down into the ConnectionCompleter class: https://github.com/twisted/twisted/blob/trunk/src/twisted/test/iosim.py#L515 It looks like the serverFactory is not properly creating a serverProtocol, so no data is going through. Can someone familiar with the TLS endpoint changes in Twisted 17.1.0 point me in the right direction for this? -- Craig