On 03:20 pm, ssteinerx@gmail.com wrote:
On Oct 29, 2009, at 11:05 PM, exarkun@twistedmatrix.com wrote:
Well...I've now spent some actual time with 886 (-2,-3,and -4), and also with 3987.
While there is some very nice stuff in there, I'm really not sure how one would actually put it to use since the back-end and the front-end seem to have been split into separate branches.
They're not really split. The 3987 branch is complete and usable on its own. You don't need a checkout of the 886 branch.
Ok, I have re-checked out just the 3987 branch without messing with 886.
Using it as a direct substitution in a Django application using Twisted's WSGI, it completely breaks my application in ways that look suspiciously like the 8.2.0 release's WSGI problems that have since been fixed in Twisted trunk.
Is 3987 based on 8.2.0 and, if so, what is the procedure for merging the trunk back to this branch (or visa versa, if that would be better).
If 3987 is supposed to be in sync with trunk, I'll have to hunt down the WSGI problems I'm having because it's definitely not working in an application that works just fine with Twisted trunk.
It's not based on 8.2.0, but neither is it in "sync" with trunk. It is a copy of trunk from r27271. You may indeed find that there are a number of bug fixes or feature additions which are present in trunk@HEAD which are not present in the #3987 branch. If you want everything from trunk@HEAD and the #3987 branch, then you may now be happy you did all that stuff with git. Merge the #3987 branch into trunk@HEAD and you'll get everything from trunk@HEAD and everything from the branch (that's tautological, sorry, I hope you know what I mean). If you're not sure what to do with git, then here's what to do with svn: BRANCHES=svn://svn.twistedmatrix.com/svn/Twisted/branches EXPRESSIVE=$BRANCHES/expressive-http-client-886-4 HIGHLEVEL=$BRANCHES/high-level-web-client-3987/ cd path/to/Twisted/trunk svn merge $EXPRESSIVE@27272 EXPRESSIVE@HEAD svn merge $HIGHLEVEL@27275 $HIGHLEVEL@HEAD Or using Combinator: chbranch Twisted expressive-http-client-886-4 unbranch Twisted chbranch Twisted high-level-web-client-3987 unbranch Twisted --force Jean-Paul