On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 7:43 AM, Matthew Williams <mgwilliams@gmail.com> wrote:
I have a couple questions regarding txjsonrpc (https://github.com/oubiwann/txjsonrpc/) in connection with the recent addition of version 2.0 support.
* How complete is the version 2.0 support? I had actually tried some years ago to add v2.0 support, but gave up due to some issues I no longer fully recall. Are there any known issues with the present implementation?
* I noticed that all results are wrapped in an array (see netstring version at https://github.com/oubiwann/txjsonrpc/blob/master/txjsonrpc/netstring/jsonrp..., but the web implementation has the same code.). This seems odd, as a jsonrpc result can be any valid json value, including a string, integer, array, or dict. The result is that on the client end, what I return from the function call as {"a": "b"} is received as [{"a": "b"}]. Is there some reason for this? Would a patch altering this behavior (perhaps optionally) be accepted?
Absolutely! Be sure that your patch wouldn't break existing functionality (for those that depend upon it) with unit tests for both cases. Thanks, d