On 22 May 2016, at 14:32, Glyph <glyph@twistedmatrix.com> wrote:
On May 21, 2016, at 11:21 PM, Amber Hawkie Brown <hawkowl@atleastfornow.net> wrote:
On 22 May 2016, at 14:15, Glyph <glyph@twistedmatrix.com> wrote:
Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear. I know that PRs are presently a potential alternative to a diff, and that we are still using Trac for ticketing. I want to make it possible to avoid using Trac for ticketing; perhaps switching to github issues entirely.
This is an optimistic idea but one that, unfortunately, won't happen yet ;)
The things GitHub Issues need to be competitive with Trac as it stands:
- Allowing triage by people without write.
How are things currently "triaged"? Do you mean "review"? If so, I think it would be acceptable to come up with a magic comment for a non-commiter to use to signify that they've fully reviewed a PR. As it stands, we need committers to "accept" a review by deciding to merge, the only difference here is that it would remain in the review queue until they did so, which I think is acceptable (since if the review isn't accepted, it should have remained in the queue anyway). We could also have a bot address this edge-case somehow.
Creating a ticket, adding it to the relevant milestone (commit required on GitHub), setting the component (which would be a tag on github, requires commit)...
- Useful search (GitHub search is kind of abysmal)
I don't see how Trac's is better.
It has a GUI rather than being stringly typed ;)
- Assigning to non-committers.
Honestly I'm not sure that the non-committer assignment part of the workflow is all that useful. I know I hardly ever look at report 7, and I very much doubt any non-committer does :). It's not like we're losing information, either; we still have a record of whose fork the PR points to.
I look at report 7 :(
Without these things (and quite a few more), it's unlikely that GitHub Issues will be as useful to us.
I am curious about the "quite a few more". There are things which we really need as a critical part of our workflow (primarily: the review queue) and then there are accidents of the way trac works. Nothing is graven in stone here :).
I guess there's a lot of things that are an accident of trac, but the things above are useful.