Greetings, I'm a newcomer to twisted and am struggling a little with the learning curve. I have an idea for an app that I believe is ideally suited for twisted though I could use some help finding the right way to approach it. It performs a status check by getting a page from a web server. It calculates the time it took to download the page and also can check that the content matches a predefined string. That part of it is working fine but I'd like to take it a step further. I need a way to impose a limit on how long it waits to receive a response so that I can detect unresponsive hosts. I must say that I'm at a loss as to how to add such a timeout to my code. Any pointers or examples would be greatly appreciated. Here is a simplified version of the function that I'm working with. --------------------------------------- from twisted.internet import task, reactor from twisted.web import client import time class HTCheck: def handleResponse(self, data, start_time): response_time = time.time() - start_time if data == "It lives!\n": Status = "OK" else: Status = "Test page content mismatch" def check(self): start_time = time.time() d = client.getPage("http://localhost/test.html") d.addCallback(self.handleResponse, start_time) return d l = task.LoopingCall(HTCheck().check) l.start(10.0) reactor.run()