On Thu, 4 Aug 2005 10:07:48 -0400, glyph@divmod.com wrote:
On Thu, 04 Aug 2005 15:48:08 +0200, MichaĆ Tyde <ajchos@wp.pl> wrote:
I try to get from standard telnet server answer. I connect to this server, and now dataReceived() should give me a full answer from server like: Ret Hat Linux relase: ... login:, but it does not. I would like to know how to connect to this server and grab this data.
Read the Telnet RFC, and either implement the telnet protocol or use Twisted's telnet protocol and answer the various IAC requests, then save the non-protocol stuff in some buffer. Twisted's API for this is twisted.protocols.telnet.Telnet.processChunk'.
And/Or use twisted.conch.telnet instead (which presents a completely different, but non-line-oriented API). Jp