On Dec 31, 2003, at 7:43 PM, Eric Mangold wrote:
On Wednesday 31 December 2003 04:58 pm, JD wrote:
I'm open for suggestions on where I can put my customized code. I seem to have a choice between putting it in the "factory" or in the "protocol", and I cannot seem to decide where the best place would be.
Since this is IRC you shouldn't go issuing commands until your signed on, thus the signedOn method of your protocol would be the right place.
Ok, good point.... but how do I issue commands? let's say I have a IRCClient class called "testIRC". do I use: testIRC.sendLine('signedOn') to send the command to the IRC server to signon? or do I: testIRC.register('mynick', 'myhost', 'irc.debian.com') then, when I want to do the "who" command, would I do: testIRC.sendLine('who') then, i would expect to call me back, so I would override the "action" method, like so: def action(self, user, channel, msg): < extract the info I want from msg and store it somewhere, probably in an instance variable in testIRC object > reactor.stop() --- to exit the client and disconnect, or would I have to put the reactor.stop() in the factory's "clientConnectionFailed" method, which I would override of course. It's things like this that throw me totally for a loop. Where to put things.... what gets the call back...
Yeah, it's not obvious how to do that. I'll send another mail when I've a chance to test something, but New Years is coming up right now... :)
Yea - and while everyone is partying, i take this wonderful opportunity to get some serious coding done, because the place is so quiet, and I'm too broke to do anything anyway.
No. An ACTION in IRC terms is a user doing an /me.
Ok, if "action" isn't the callback which I override to get the output of the who command, then what is? myInfo? luserClient? luserChannels - Called with the number of channels existant on the server (ALMOST what I want) luserOp - Called with the number of ops logged on to the server (GETTING CLOSER - NOT QUITE) luserMe - Called with information about the server connected to. (CLOSEST YET - but no IP address info) Ok, so how do these get called? As far as I can tell, "handleCommand" calls method = getattr(self, "irc_%s" % command, None) which it then somehow then calls back to: def irc_RPL_LUSERME(self, prefix, params): self.luserMe(params[1]) I really want: RPL_WHOISSERVER, but (sigh) it's not there. Nobody bothered to finish this module. Could I add this to my IRCClient's subclass? IE: def irc_RPL_WHOISSERVER(self, prefix, params): self.whois(params[1]) Then.... def whois(self, prefix, info): < then in this code, get the info? - then after that do the reactor.stop() so I can fall out of the reactor.run() call. > Is this all I have to do.... but then would 'getattr' as you see above, know how to get the method name? Or would I have to add this somehow to another dictionary? If so, how do I do it? and if i have to do it, how do I find the reference to the dictionary? Anyway, other then being totally confused, is there any hope? I think I'm just missing a few critical steps. Or do I have them all?
There are a number of other callbacks for the private messages and such. Which one do I use? When testing the code, I'm not getting any callbacks to the "action()" method. Is this because something else is fucked up.
Yeah, your code.
No shit sherlock.... now i got to figure out why it's not calling my "whois" method. John