I have been running some tests to check some issue and have seen that notifyFinish is not being called in 16.4.1 This is on Windows 10 using python 2.7.12 Checking back it is not called 16.3.0 but is in 16.2.0 The test uses some sample code from Twisted web in 60 seconds that sets a timer to allow the browser to halt the request by using Escape and make notifyFinish get called. Before I did anything else I thought I would check and see if anyone else was seeing this behaviour. The code I am using is below: from twisted.web.resource import Resource from twisted.web.server import Site, NOT_DONE_YET from twisted.internet import reactor class DelayedResource(Resource): def _delayedRender(self, request): print 'SEND RESPONSE' request.write("Sorry to keep you waiting.") request.finish() def _responseFailed(self, failure, call): print 'RESPONSE FAILED', failure call.cancel() def render_GET(self, request): call = reactor.callLater(10, self._delayedRender, request) request.notifyFinish().addErrback(self._responseFailed, call) return NOT_DONE_YET resource = Resource() print 'RESOURCE', resource resource.putChild("logme", DelayedResource()) factory = Site(resource) print 'FACTORY', factory reactor.listenTCP(8080, factory) reactor.run() -- *John Aherne* *www.rocs.co.uk <http://www.rocs.co.uk>* 020 7223 7567