On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 09:46:11AM +0200, Aljoša Mohorović wrote:
is there a way to tell reactor to run application and services defined so i can skip .tac file and just execute python file? maybe something similar to this: ---------------------------------------- application = service.Application("Services")
factory1 = protocol.ServerFactory() factory1.protocol = Protocol1 internet.TCPServer(8000, factory1).setServiceParent(application)
factory2 = protocol.ServerFactory() factory2.protocol = Protocol2 internet.TCPServer(9000, factory2).setServiceParent(application)
# howto make reactor do something like this: reactor.run(application) ----------------------------------------
It's not clear from your message whether you're using internet.TCPServer() in your actual production code, or if that's just something you picked to make a simple example for the mailing-list. If you really are using internet.TCPServer(), you can just skip the Application object entirely, and call reactor.listenTCP() instead of internet.TCPServer(), then reactor.run() at the bottom. If you've written your own Server or Application subclass that you want to run, Kevin Horn's answer is probably the one you want. Tim.