Am 27.07.2012 12:32, schrieb Tobias Oberstein:
Even having full access to MSDN, it can be incredibly obscure to discover which Python version goes with which Visual Studio product. (Someone, please prove me wrong and indicate that there's a web page that shows what the official python.org >> builds use and you don't have to go trawling through python-dev archives to figure it out...)
It is obscure. And I don't have a link, but the official Python on Windows builds are done using Microsoft Visual C++ 2008.
- VS 2010 will NOT work - the free VS 2008 Express works (for 32-bit builds .. it does not include a 64-bit compiler) But you can add the cmdline 64-bit compiler by downloading the free Windows SDK.
Michael -- Michael Schlenker Software Architect CONTACT Software GmbH Tel.: +49 (421) 20153-80 Wiener Straße 1-3 Fax: +49 (421) 20153-41 28359 Bremen http://www.contact.de/ E-Mail: msc@contact.de Sitz der Gesellschaft: Bremen Geschäftsführer: Karl Heinz Zachries, Ralf Holtgrefe Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Bremen unter HRB 13215