On June 14, 2018 at 8:29:45 AM, Martin van Es (mrvanes@gmail.com) wrote:
I'm trying to timeout a really simple LineReceiver protocol.
It's function is to connect to a daemon, receive a line that's to be
displayed to an end-user upon which the user should undertake some
action. The action will trigger a second line (fail/success) at which
point the daemon will close the connection. If, however, the end-user
does not follow-up on the first challenge I want the script to timeout
with a failed result.
Now, I have the LineReceiver do exactly what I want, but I can't for
the life of me understand how I should "wrap" it in the TimoutProtocol
so that it disconnects after a couple of seconds?
This is my Factory:
class WebSSOFactory(ClientFactory):
pamh = None
client = None