On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 03:05:30PM -0600, Kevin Horn wrote:
[...] Thanks for "listening"!
some notices about what i get[1]. mainly i'd like if you could make the documentation more readable when the browser's window is not really big. usually i do not use the browser with the window maximized so will be really helpful if you can check the following points: * in the navigation bar "twisted web documentation" is repeated twice and is breaked in two lines. * the table of contents steals a lot of vertical space while it is visible only at the top of the page. in this circumstances i prefer "the lore way", ie. showing the table of contents in the normal content flow at the top and not in a side column. * again the left blue column steal vertical space an maybe can be reduced. * would be great if the layout will fit in the page width: as you can see the index link is half hidden. obiviusly with a bigger window all the aboves are not more valid and all looks pretty. ciao m. [1] http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/1953/sphinx.png