I have the beginnings of some task-based documentation available in twisted-docs (https://github.com/tdavis/twisted-docs) now. You can find the built version in the usual place (http://docs.recursivedream.com/twisted/) -- just remember to bust the cache. I chose serving web content as a starting point because it seems as common a task as any. I took some examples from the existing howto ( http://twistedmatrix.com/documents/current/web/howto/using-twistedweb.html), as well as added some examples of further learning and glossary entries to make the point. Obviously there's nothing completely usable here yet; it's primarily an exercise in showing how I'd like to split up sprawling, semi-random docs like *using-twistedweb* into more coherent, digestible, stackable pieces. A document to talk about core concepts (Site Objects, Resources, etc.), sections for supplementary features like Sessions, Virtual Hosts, etc. Another advantage of this style is that we can effortlessly stitch together our own tutorials (were that ever a goal) just by linking in step-wise fashion to ever-advanced tutorials which themselves wrap back around to core concepts like, in this case, Applications and the IService stack. It should be up to the user how deep into the rabbit hole they want to go; right now I have to slog through two sections to get to a part that tells me how to just serve a directory of HTML. Thoughts?