Yes it supposed to be handled by the tcp_keepalive itself (as I assumed). The weird thing was that we had this configuration:

Ubuntu Linux Server 2.6.15-26
tcp_keepalive_time 7200
tcp_keepalive_probes 9
tcp_keepalive_intvl 75

I have an XMPP client last sent a packet to the server at May 29 15:57:25 telling that it will enter an idle state. On May 30 approx 08:00:00 I shut down my PC which hosts my XMPP client thus causing a half-opened state. The next day (17:41:11) while checking the logs, its still in half-opened state and my server still thinks that I'm online. It seems that tcp_keepalive kernel feature that's supposed to run every 2 hours didn't kick in.

Alvin Delagon

On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 2:42 PM, Gabriel Rossetti <> wrote:

Alvin Delagon wrote:

I just recently discovered that it's a TCP half-open socket scenario that can be remedied by monitoring client heartbeats. This is not twisted related issue. Thanks anyway. :)

Alvin Delagon

Just a question, could setting the tcp keepalive feature on the server side (not sure if that is possible), would that make the server detect that the connection is dead/half-open?


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