begin Glyph Lefkowitz quotation:
Currently there is no such push, because Inform's library is conceptually single-player only (this is evidenced by the amount of global state that it maintains, how the player is treated as a facet of the world rather than just another object, etc).
Ever played with the Floyd stuff? Some folks set up a MUD with inform once, and they just removed one line from parserm.h. Have a look for multifloyd.h in the informlib contrib section of if-archive. I don't think the player is as "integrated" as you may think.
However, if you're interested in seeing inform-like functionality implemented, we'd love to integrate such a thing. Even better if you can make it more multi-player aware.
Well, I was just thinking that it would certainly help adoption if the system behaved a lot like Inform. I'm thinking mostly of: The way the objects are created, and the way the code flows (I think that a constructor for a game object should set the name of the object as well as the parent (location), just the way that the "Object -> ..." line does in inform). The system should use pre- and post-action rules in a dictionary inside an object. Perhaps we'd have before and after dictionaries, with names of actions as keys, and functions as values. The parser should just be ported over, or at least enhanced to the point where it supports everything that the informlib parser does. The code uses a lot of gotos and is pretty gory, but I think that could be easily taken care of. -- You are not entitled to your opinions. 01234567 <- The amazing indent-o-meter! ^ Matt McIrvin: the Nikola Tesla of tab damage.