Hi, I'm new to twisted and I have some problems on understandins some basic concepts on building applications upon the twisted framework. The examples in Fettig's book brought me on the right track I think but I'm not sure. So I would like to ask you for some hints and advices. I try to build a small IMAP client which shoul be able so do some very basic operations lke mailboxlisting and fetch some images. Nothing more for the first. Based on Fettig's IMAP examples I did the following: For each operation I want to do I wrote a own protocol. I started with a basic protocol which simply connects to the server. Then in the next step I wrote the protocol which lists the users mailbox. This protocol is inheritated from the first exentend this with the methods to list the mailbox. As you can see I planned to build some kind of inhertance tree for the protcols. Continuing this way I would end up with many small protocols doing one single task, and I'm not sure If this is a good approach. Do you have any comments on this? If it is not clear to you what I meant I can provide some code of course. At the moment this things is pretty small :) best regards Torsten