Debian 9 (Stretch) is in final freeze and will become the new stable release very soon (a month or so?). By the time we drop 3.4 support, Stretch will be current stable, so my recommendation would be to upgrade to Stretch when it comes available, and use the Python 3.5 it ships with. Alternatively, you could install 3.6 through pyenv or some other source on Jessie.

- Amber

On 23 Feb 2017 4:50 AM, "Jeffrey Ollie" <> wrote:
On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 2:27 AM, Hynek Schlawack <> wrote:

3.3 should die immediately.  3.4 should follow ASAP.only the latest two or so are worth supporting.

Debian Jessie (which also means Raspbian Jessie, which is my primary concern) uses Python 3.4, so I would hope that Python 3.4 support in Twisted would not be dropped for a while.

Jeff Ollie
The majestik møøse is one of the mäni interesting furry animals in Sweden.

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