On Tue, 30 Mar 2021, 22:23 Kyle Altendorf, <sda@fstab.net> wrote:
On 2021-03-30 15:24, Glyph wrote:
On Mar 30, 2021, at 7:57 AM, Kyle Altendorf <sda@fstab.net> wrote:
Hi All,
Has anyone contacted GitHub to see if they would be willing to increase the parallelism limit in Actions? My understanding is that we maintain two CI systems (GitHub Actions and Azure Pipelines) for the sake of more parallelism. While perhaps worthwhile, this doesn't seem fun. Maybe GitHub would be willing to help out.
Not as far as I know. Do you want to give it a shot?
That was the plan. Submitted. I'll let you all know.
Thanks. On a related note I am working to reduce the general duration of Twisted CI jobs. This should result in keeping the jobs slot busy for less time and allowing more total jobs per day. The first step was to enable parallel trial tests. Use both CPUs available to the CI VMs. This was already done for Linux and MacOS. Distributed trial is not yet supported on Windows, but I am working on it. I already have a working distributed trial for Windows on my system. It needs various fixed and I have submitted smaller PR for review. Just getting distrial to work on Windows is not all...as we need to update and clean the Twsited test to reduce the side effects. Linux and macOS are more relaxed in terms of file access and for example you can delete a file, even if its opened by another process or by the same process. Windows is not happy about that. And then there are the 2 pypy jobs taking 30 minutes each - working to fix it here https://github.com/twisted/twisted/pull/1543/ And then there are also general CI jobs improvements. For example we can save about 40 seconds if we decide to stop sending coverage to coveralls and only use codecov.io Another example is save another 1 minute by stop using `tox --notests` and replace it with something like https://github.com/twisted/python-info-action to show the dependencies. With `tox --notest` we now create the wheels and install the dependencies twice for each job. There is an extra 1 minute required for each job to generate the coverage XML file. We can download all the coverage artifacts and generate the XML only once. ------------- Now the actual job duration will differ... I see the pip cache download taking 2 seconds or 2 minutes. But on Linux it takes about 4 minutes to run the tests (inside tox with wheel creation)... and then from 2minutes and above is the extra overhead Cheers