I use the thread to make the sendCmd be called after the reactor run. Because in the real application, I should start the server(reactor) first, and other logic will call the sendCmd, so I can't fix it before reactor.run() (as callLater(foo)). What should I do ? On 12/2/05, Andrew Bennetts <andrew-twisted@puzzling.org> wrote:
On Fri, Dec 02, 2005 at 11:42:49AM +0800, Xu Ryan wrote:
Would you like show me an simple example about this? I wrote one, but it dosn't work.
Sure. Thanks for taking the time to write a simple demonstration of your problem, it makes it much easier to understand and discuss!
__sender = None
class p(Protocol): def connectionMade(self): print "Connecttion make"
def sendMessage(self): self.transport.write("some message")
def connectionLost(self, reason): print "Lost, reason", reason
def sendCmd(addr, port, cmd, task, options = ""): """Send Cmd to """ global __sender
__sender.connectTCP(addr, port).addCallback(send,\ cmd, task, options)
def send(p,cmd, task, options): print "send" p.sendMessage() return p
def finishConnection(p): print "lostConnection" p.transport.loseConnection()
def initSendCommand(): global __sender if not __sender: __sender = ClientCreator(reactor, p)
This all looks ok (except for the unused 'finishConnection' function).
if __name__ == "__main__": def testSendMessage(): time.sleep(2) sendCmd("localhost", 8009, "test send")
initSendCommand() thread.start_new_thread(testSendMessage, ()) reactor.run()
This is the problem. There's two issues here.
The first is that in general, a thread CANNOT call any Twisted functions aside from reactor.callFromThread. Twisted is not thread safe. See http://twistedmatrix.com/projects/core/documentation/howto/threading.html
The second, and more fundamental, is that threads are totally unnecessary for this.
You can write that code block as:
if __name__ == "__main__": initSendCommand() reactor.callLater(2, sendCmd, "localhost", 8009, "test send") reactor.run()
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-- Xu Ryans