[Twisted-Python] HTTP client with authorization

Hi I've just started to use twisted for a small project to relay GSM SMS messages to Zope, and for that I need to do HTTP requests with basic authentication. Would this be something that would be interesting to have in twisted.web.client? I ended up with this: import base64 import twisted.internet.reactor import twisted.web.client import urlparse class AuthHTTPPageGetter(twisted.web.client.HTTPPageGetter): def connectionMade(self): self.sendCommand('GET', self.factory.url) self.sendHeader('Host', self.factory.host) self.sendHeader('User-Agent', self.factory.agent) if self.factory.http_user: cred = '%s:%s' % (self.factory.http_user, self.factory.http_password) auth = "Basic " + base64.encodestring(cred).replace('\012','') self.sendHeader('Authorization', auth) self.endHeaders() self.headers = {} def _parse(url): parsed = urlparse.urlparse(url) path = urlparse.urlunparse(('','')+parsed[2:]) host, port = parsed[1], 80 if ':' in host: host, port = host.split(':') port = int(port) return host, port, path def getPage(url, http_user=None, http_password=None): host, port, url = _parse(url) factory = twisted.web.client.HTTPClientFactory(host, url) factory.http_user = http_user factory.http_password = http_password factory.protocol = AuthHTTPPageGetter twisted.internet.reactor.connectTCP(host, port, factory) return factory.deferred Thanks for a great framework! Comming from asyncore, twisted makes things quite a lot easier... / Johan -- Johan Lübcke, System Architect Appload Nordic AB Mobile: +46 730 632303 http://www.appload.com Office: +46 8 4420933 mailto:johan.lubcke@appload.com
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Johan Lübcke