[Twisted-Python] twisted.web in 60 seconds...why aren't these on the frontpage of TM.com?

Hi Guys, Just been going through the twisted.web series JP put together (http://jcalderone.livejournal.com/tag/sixty%20seconds)...these are terrific. Turn the bottom one into serving a "Hello World" Resource and you've got a much simpler Hello World than the Tornado site (not to start a war on Tornado...their URL dispatch approach is pretty nice). Is there is a reason these aren't linked to on the frontpage of twistedmatrix.com...preferably with the short hello world above it? They're much more accessible than the Twisted Web tutorials under docs. -J

On 20 Apr, 11:25 pm, jasonjwwilliams@gmail.com wrote:
They're linked from the Twisted Web documentation page. They're probably not linked from the front page because no one has taken the time to redo the website design in a way that allows direct links to this kind of specific documentation. Jean-Paul

I seem to be missing the link on the page: http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/Documentation Sent via iPhone Is your e-mail Premiere? On Apr 20, 2010, at 18:38, exarkun@twistedmatrix.com wrote:

Hi Jason, It's under the web howto link on that page: http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/Documentation ===> http://twistedmatrix.com/documents/current/web/howto/ ===> http://twistedmatrix.com/documents/current/web/howto/web-in-60/index.html -Jessica On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 9:23 PM, Jason J. W. Williams < jasonjwwilliams@gmail.com> wrote:

That was kind of my point... ;) It's pretty buried. It's not under docs directly and it's not under the "read this first!" about web stuff. And yes I'm volunteering to reorg. -J On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 7:30 PM, Jessica McKellar <jessica.mckellar@gmail.com> wrote:

On Apr 20, 2010, at 7:06 PM, Jason J. W. Williams wrote:
And yes I'm volunteering to reorg.
Wow, you really are a glutton for punishment, aren't you? :) Go ahead and create an alternate front-page wiki page, and let the list know when it's ready so we can pile on and critique. I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to do better than what's there, though. Looking forward to it, -glyph

I guess I am. :) Honestly, we've used Twisted in my org for quite some time and until I was forced to use it my view of it was colored by my infrequent beatings by it and the derisive comments of the primary maintainer at that time. With the 4 hours I spent actually learning the concepts, Twisted is no longer a black box...it makes sense. That and I've optimized/re-factored a bunch of code to work with that theory instead of against it. Huge benefits. I'd say the biggest barrier to entry is the documentation. And let's face it...there's no reason Twisted shouldn't be used by more folks. It's great...but learning it feels like a frat hazing. That's largely because reading the docs feels like learning from that comp sci prof who was smart...but wasn't smart enough to explain the concepts at your level. Let's take Tornado for a second...right now I'm building a web API for our services and I'm in platform selection mode. My experience with Twisted.web's URL dispatching system made me want to cry. Tornado was a breeze to use. But here's the problem: 1.) There's no good async libraries for Tornado...so if I want to integrate with Redis or MySQL or anything, I've got to accept that I'm going to block when it's not necessary and live with that. 2.) Tornado's performance from the the benchmarks I've read is only between 15% and 30% better than twisted.web. 2 is not enough to justify 1, because let's face it (and yeah I'm coming to a point) 1 is going to kill your butt often enough to make 2 not matter. But because I'm pretty comfortable with Twisted now...it makes more sense for me to write my own dispatcher that emulates Tornado's than give up all the rock-hard awesome features and reliability of Twisted. deferToThread may not be the preferred way of handling a blocking task...but when you need it, you need it. ...so my point is...Twisted's PR problem is it needs more accessible docs. They need to be understandable, entertaining...and pretty. It all starts with that front page...and the web app in 10 lines right smack dab there. I'm going to start with the front page...and then I'm going to write some articles on my blog that are what I wanted when I was learning Twisted. Hopefully, they'll be of use to someone. -J On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 6:15 PM, Glyph Lefkowitz <glyph@twistedmatrix.com> wrote:

On Apr 21, 2010, at 8:53 PM, Jason J. W. Williams wrote:
My spam filter almost killed you on that phrase. I think you mean rock-solid.
Cool. See exarkun's Twisted in 60 Seconds series; maybe fill in the things that are still not clear after that? S

Naw...I meant what I wrote. ;) exarkun's is great...it's web focused. I'll post to them to the list and y'all can see if its worthwhile. -J On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 7:05 PM, ssteinerX@gmail.com <ssteinerx@gmail.com> wrote:

This blog series is also totally rock-a-licious. http://krondo.com/blog/?page_id=1327 Kevin Horn On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 8:22 PM, Jason J. W. Williams < jasonjwwilliams@gmail.com> wrote:

+1 Yes, it's great!! 2010/4/21 Kevin Horn <kevin.horn@gmail.com>
This blog series is also totally rock-a-licious.

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 7:53 PM, Jason J. W. Williams < jasonjwwilliams@gmail.com> wrote:
The docs really are about to get a whole lot better. No really, any minute now. The Sphinx conversion is not dead! I've just been busy... And once that's done I think it'll be a whole lot easier to write and maintain things, not to mention read the docs. Kevin Horn

On 01:32 am, kevin.horn@gmail.com wrote:
So about the conversion, I wonder if we can start to generate the Sphinx version of the docs on buildbot sometime soon, and perhaps host them alongside the current docs, as the first step in phasing out the current version? How automated is the conversion process now? Are errors reported such that people could start looking at them and fixing the issues? It seems like you've done almost all of the hard work, and the rest is dealing with some edge cases in lore or restructured text, and that might be more easily spread out amongst more people. Jean-Paul

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 9:48 PM, <exarkun@twistedmatrix.com> wrote:
I suppose we could do this, if you think it would help. Note that the lore2sphinx script requires Python 2.6 and I think at least Sphinx 0.6.4 (I'm using 0.6.5).
I think the automatic conversion process has reached the point of diminishing returns. I've got it down to about 13 warnings in the Sphinx build process, though there are still some markup errors in the output. Trying to make the conversion handle these seems to just introduce more errors in other places. In other words I think it's time to create a branch with the Sphinxified docs and do a manual review. I've got a basic transition plan sketched out here: http://twistedsphinx.funsize.net/transition_plan.html That's just basically an outline of a plan Glyph and I hashed out during the Twisted sprint at PyCon. Ideas and criticisms welcome. Kevin Horn

On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 11:51 AM, <exarkun@twistedmatrix.com> wrote:
I seriously doubt it. In fact I think it would be much more difficult. Other than the 13 build warnings I mentioned above, almost all of the rest of the markup errors are things like a missing space character. Fixing this in the lore sources would require: 1) removing most if not all indentation from all the lore sources 2) making sure every <b>, <i>, <code>, <a> tag (and some others I'm sure) have exactly the same spacing before and after them...including tabs, newlines, etc. 3) revamping lore2sphinx to stop doing all the workarounds it currently does I think it will be much easier to go through the ReST sources (which IMO will need to be done anyway) and add spaces or whatever where needed. Kevin Horn Kevin Horn

On 12:53 am, jasonjwwilliams@gmail.com wrote:
I guess I am. :)
And thanks for doing so! I'm really looking forward to the results.
2.) Tornado's performance from the the benchmarks I've read is only between 15% and 30% better than twisted.web.
This is totally a tangent, and I hope no one feels the need to extend this part of this thread any further (unless it's with statistics), and I know the point wasn't to start a conversation about the relative performance of these two web servers, but I still have to comment. The benchmarks I've seen of Tornado's performance are ambiguous at best, misleading at worst. It's not a good idea to draw any conclusions from them. Jean-Paul

On 12:53 am, jasonjwwilliams@gmail.com wrote:
If it's of any use, someone started trying to do this, and got at least as far as deleting all of the front page content: http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/TestFrontPage Jean-Paul

Hi Jason, I was up for revamping the front page until school hit, but in about a month I'll be back and ready for action and happy to help with this / provide feedback. You might find this IRC snippet about the front page relevant: 21:27 < jesstess> exarkun: so you're saying "Want an IRC bot? BAM follow this link. Want a TCP server? BAM follow this link?" for the top 5 things people try to implement? 21:27 < exarkun> jesstess: something like that, yea 21:28 < jesstess> exarkun: I'd be up for working that up. 21:31 < exarkun> jesstess: It would be awesome if you could work on that. I think it will help a lot. 21:32 < exarkun> jesstess: I think it's also important to have the website direct people quickly and easily to the documentation they need. 21:33 < exarkun> jesstess: There are too many clicks involved now, so they might not even find a new set of topic-oriented guides. 21:33 < jesstess> exarkun: I'll do it if you give me a list of the top 5 applications people try to write :) 21:33 < exarkun> jesstess: Doing something about that would be another highly productive task. 21:33 < exarkun> ah, there's the rub. 21:34 < radix> 1. IRC bot that execs python code, 2. caching web proxy 21:34 < radix> 3. XMPP something 21:34 < radix> 4. MMORPG 21:35 < radix> I can't think of a fifth 21:35 < jesstess> does "simple TCP server" really not make the list? That's why I first used Twisted. 21:35 < thijstriemstra> mimic skype..ish 21:36 < thijstriemstra> chat, streaming, authentication, porn 21:36 < exarkun> jesstess: not sure if it comes in the top five 21:36 < exarkun> probably the top ten though 21:36 < Screwtape> I'd say half the questions in here have something to do with IRC bots. -Jessica On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 8:53 PM, Jason J. W. Williams < jasonjwwilliams@gmail.com> wrote:

On 20 Apr, 11:25 pm, jasonjwwilliams@gmail.com wrote:
They're linked from the Twisted Web documentation page. They're probably not linked from the front page because no one has taken the time to redo the website design in a way that allows direct links to this kind of specific documentation. Jean-Paul

I seem to be missing the link on the page: http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/Documentation Sent via iPhone Is your e-mail Premiere? On Apr 20, 2010, at 18:38, exarkun@twistedmatrix.com wrote:

Hi Jason, It's under the web howto link on that page: http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/Documentation ===> http://twistedmatrix.com/documents/current/web/howto/ ===> http://twistedmatrix.com/documents/current/web/howto/web-in-60/index.html -Jessica On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 9:23 PM, Jason J. W. Williams < jasonjwwilliams@gmail.com> wrote:

That was kind of my point... ;) It's pretty buried. It's not under docs directly and it's not under the "read this first!" about web stuff. And yes I'm volunteering to reorg. -J On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 7:30 PM, Jessica McKellar <jessica.mckellar@gmail.com> wrote:

On Apr 20, 2010, at 7:06 PM, Jason J. W. Williams wrote:
And yes I'm volunteering to reorg.
Wow, you really are a glutton for punishment, aren't you? :) Go ahead and create an alternate front-page wiki page, and let the list know when it's ready so we can pile on and critique. I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to do better than what's there, though. Looking forward to it, -glyph

I guess I am. :) Honestly, we've used Twisted in my org for quite some time and until I was forced to use it my view of it was colored by my infrequent beatings by it and the derisive comments of the primary maintainer at that time. With the 4 hours I spent actually learning the concepts, Twisted is no longer a black box...it makes sense. That and I've optimized/re-factored a bunch of code to work with that theory instead of against it. Huge benefits. I'd say the biggest barrier to entry is the documentation. And let's face it...there's no reason Twisted shouldn't be used by more folks. It's great...but learning it feels like a frat hazing. That's largely because reading the docs feels like learning from that comp sci prof who was smart...but wasn't smart enough to explain the concepts at your level. Let's take Tornado for a second...right now I'm building a web API for our services and I'm in platform selection mode. My experience with Twisted.web's URL dispatching system made me want to cry. Tornado was a breeze to use. But here's the problem: 1.) There's no good async libraries for Tornado...so if I want to integrate with Redis or MySQL or anything, I've got to accept that I'm going to block when it's not necessary and live with that. 2.) Tornado's performance from the the benchmarks I've read is only between 15% and 30% better than twisted.web. 2 is not enough to justify 1, because let's face it (and yeah I'm coming to a point) 1 is going to kill your butt often enough to make 2 not matter. But because I'm pretty comfortable with Twisted now...it makes more sense for me to write my own dispatcher that emulates Tornado's than give up all the rock-hard awesome features and reliability of Twisted. deferToThread may not be the preferred way of handling a blocking task...but when you need it, you need it. ...so my point is...Twisted's PR problem is it needs more accessible docs. They need to be understandable, entertaining...and pretty. It all starts with that front page...and the web app in 10 lines right smack dab there. I'm going to start with the front page...and then I'm going to write some articles on my blog that are what I wanted when I was learning Twisted. Hopefully, they'll be of use to someone. -J On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 6:15 PM, Glyph Lefkowitz <glyph@twistedmatrix.com> wrote:

On Apr 21, 2010, at 8:53 PM, Jason J. W. Williams wrote:
My spam filter almost killed you on that phrase. I think you mean rock-solid.
Cool. See exarkun's Twisted in 60 Seconds series; maybe fill in the things that are still not clear after that? S

Naw...I meant what I wrote. ;) exarkun's is great...it's web focused. I'll post to them to the list and y'all can see if its worthwhile. -J On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 7:05 PM, ssteinerX@gmail.com <ssteinerx@gmail.com> wrote:

This blog series is also totally rock-a-licious. http://krondo.com/blog/?page_id=1327 Kevin Horn On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 8:22 PM, Jason J. W. Williams < jasonjwwilliams@gmail.com> wrote:

+1 Yes, it's great!! 2010/4/21 Kevin Horn <kevin.horn@gmail.com>
This blog series is also totally rock-a-licious.

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 7:53 PM, Jason J. W. Williams < jasonjwwilliams@gmail.com> wrote:
The docs really are about to get a whole lot better. No really, any minute now. The Sphinx conversion is not dead! I've just been busy... And once that's done I think it'll be a whole lot easier to write and maintain things, not to mention read the docs. Kevin Horn

On 01:32 am, kevin.horn@gmail.com wrote:
So about the conversion, I wonder if we can start to generate the Sphinx version of the docs on buildbot sometime soon, and perhaps host them alongside the current docs, as the first step in phasing out the current version? How automated is the conversion process now? Are errors reported such that people could start looking at them and fixing the issues? It seems like you've done almost all of the hard work, and the rest is dealing with some edge cases in lore or restructured text, and that might be more easily spread out amongst more people. Jean-Paul

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 9:48 PM, <exarkun@twistedmatrix.com> wrote:
I suppose we could do this, if you think it would help. Note that the lore2sphinx script requires Python 2.6 and I think at least Sphinx 0.6.4 (I'm using 0.6.5).
I think the automatic conversion process has reached the point of diminishing returns. I've got it down to about 13 warnings in the Sphinx build process, though there are still some markup errors in the output. Trying to make the conversion handle these seems to just introduce more errors in other places. In other words I think it's time to create a branch with the Sphinxified docs and do a manual review. I've got a basic transition plan sketched out here: http://twistedsphinx.funsize.net/transition_plan.html That's just basically an outline of a plan Glyph and I hashed out during the Twisted sprint at PyCon. Ideas and criticisms welcome. Kevin Horn

On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 11:51 AM, <exarkun@twistedmatrix.com> wrote:
I seriously doubt it. In fact I think it would be much more difficult. Other than the 13 build warnings I mentioned above, almost all of the rest of the markup errors are things like a missing space character. Fixing this in the lore sources would require: 1) removing most if not all indentation from all the lore sources 2) making sure every <b>, <i>, <code>, <a> tag (and some others I'm sure) have exactly the same spacing before and after them...including tabs, newlines, etc. 3) revamping lore2sphinx to stop doing all the workarounds it currently does I think it will be much easier to go through the ReST sources (which IMO will need to be done anyway) and add spaces or whatever where needed. Kevin Horn Kevin Horn

On 12:53 am, jasonjwwilliams@gmail.com wrote:
I guess I am. :)
And thanks for doing so! I'm really looking forward to the results.
2.) Tornado's performance from the the benchmarks I've read is only between 15% and 30% better than twisted.web.
This is totally a tangent, and I hope no one feels the need to extend this part of this thread any further (unless it's with statistics), and I know the point wasn't to start a conversation about the relative performance of these two web servers, but I still have to comment. The benchmarks I've seen of Tornado's performance are ambiguous at best, misleading at worst. It's not a good idea to draw any conclusions from them. Jean-Paul

On 12:53 am, jasonjwwilliams@gmail.com wrote:
If it's of any use, someone started trying to do this, and got at least as far as deleting all of the front page content: http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/TestFrontPage Jean-Paul

Hi Jason, I was up for revamping the front page until school hit, but in about a month I'll be back and ready for action and happy to help with this / provide feedback. You might find this IRC snippet about the front page relevant: 21:27 < jesstess> exarkun: so you're saying "Want an IRC bot? BAM follow this link. Want a TCP server? BAM follow this link?" for the top 5 things people try to implement? 21:27 < exarkun> jesstess: something like that, yea 21:28 < jesstess> exarkun: I'd be up for working that up. 21:31 < exarkun> jesstess: It would be awesome if you could work on that. I think it will help a lot. 21:32 < exarkun> jesstess: I think it's also important to have the website direct people quickly and easily to the documentation they need. 21:33 < exarkun> jesstess: There are too many clicks involved now, so they might not even find a new set of topic-oriented guides. 21:33 < jesstess> exarkun: I'll do it if you give me a list of the top 5 applications people try to write :) 21:33 < exarkun> jesstess: Doing something about that would be another highly productive task. 21:33 < exarkun> ah, there's the rub. 21:34 < radix> 1. IRC bot that execs python code, 2. caching web proxy 21:34 < radix> 3. XMPP something 21:34 < radix> 4. MMORPG 21:35 < radix> I can't think of a fifth 21:35 < jesstess> does "simple TCP server" really not make the list? That's why I first used Twisted. 21:35 < thijstriemstra> mimic skype..ish 21:36 < thijstriemstra> chat, streaming, authentication, porn 21:36 < exarkun> jesstess: not sure if it comes in the top five 21:36 < exarkun> probably the top ten though 21:36 < Screwtape> I'd say half the questions in here have something to do with IRC bots. -Jessica On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 8:53 PM, Jason J. W. Williams < jasonjwwilliams@gmail.com> wrote:
participants (7)
César García
Glyph Lefkowitz
Jason J. W. Williams
Jessica McKellar
Kevin Horn