[Twisted-Python] Conch SFTP Questions

Hey folks, I've cobbled together an SFTP client based on bits and pieces I've found around the web. The issue is that it appears to be almost one shot. I will need to send many files (the number not known ahead of time). It's not clear to me when the connection is closed or how many factories I'm creating. All the code I've grabbed looks like it's creating a new factory for every SFTP file I send. Here's some of the code I have. It's fairly straight forward in that it creates a directory if it doesn't exist and then writes a file. @attr.s(frozen=True) class FileInfo(object): """ Class that tells SFTP details about the file to send. """ directory = attr.ib(converter=str) # type: str name = attr.ib(converter=str) # type: str data = attr.ib() # type: str chunk_size = attr.ib(converter=int, default=CHUNK_SIZE) # type: int def to_path(self): """ Turns the folder and file name into a file path. """ return self.directory + "/" + self.name @attr.s(frozen=True) class SFTPClientOptions(object): """ Client options for sending SFTP files. :param host: the host of the SFTP server :param port: the port ofo the SFTP server :param fingerprint: the expected fingerprint of the host :param user: the user to login as :param identity: the identity file, optional and like the "-i" command line option :param password: an optional password """ host = attr.ib(converter=str) # type: str port = attr.ib(converter=int) # type: int fingerprint = attr.ib(converter=str) # type: str user = attr.ib(converter=str) # type: str identity = attr.ib(converter=optional(str), default=None) # type: Optional[str] password = attr.ib(converter=optional(str), default=None) # type: Optional[str] @inlineCallbacks def sftp_send(client_options, file_info): # type: (SFTPClientOptions, FileInfo)->Deferred """ Primary function to send an file over SFTP. You can send a password, identity, or both. :param client_options: the client connection options :param file_info: contains the file info to write :return: A deferred that signals "OK" if successful. """ options = ClientOptions() options["host"] = client_options.host options["port"] = client_options.port options["password"] = client_options.password options["fingerprint"] = client_options.fingerprint if client_options.identity: options.identitys = [client_options.identity] conn = SFTPConnection() auth = SFTPUserAuthClient(client_options.user, options, conn) yield connect(client_options.host, client_options.port, options, _verify_host_key, auth) sftpClient = yield conn.getSftpClientDeferred() yield _send_file(sftpClient, file_info) returnValue("OK") def _verify_host_key(transport, host, pubKey, fingerprint): """ Verify a host's key. Based on what is specified in options. @param host: Due to a bug in L{SSHClientTransport.verifyHostKey}, this is always the dotted-quad IP address of the host being connected to. @type host: L{str} @param transport: the client transport which is attempting to connect to the given host. @type transport: L{SSHClientTransport} @param fingerprint: the fingerprint of the given public key, in xx:xx:xx:... format. @param pubKey: The public key of the server being connected to. @type pubKey: L{str} @return: a L{Deferred} which is success or error """ expected = transport.factory.options.get("fingerprint", "no_fingerprint") if fingerprint == expected: return succeed(1) log.error( "SSH Host Key fingerprint of ({fp}) does not match the expected value of ({expected}).", fp=fingerprint, expected=expected) return fail(ConchError("Host fingerprint is unexpected.")) class SFTPSession(SSHChannel): """ Creates an SFTP session. """ name = "session" @inlineCallbacks def channelOpen(self, whatever): """ Called when the channel is opened. "whatever" is any data that the other side sent us when opening the channel. @type whatever: L{bytes} """ yield self.conn.sendRequest(self, "subsystem", NS("sftp"), wantReply=True) client = FileTransferClient() client.makeConnection(self) self.dataReceived = client.dataReceived self.conn.notifyClientIsReady(client) class SFTPConnection(SSHConnection): def __init__(self): """ Adds a deferred here so client can add a callback when the SFTP client is ready. """ SSHConnection.__init__(self) self._sftpClient = Deferred() def serviceStarted(self): """ Opens an SFTP session when the SSH connection has been started. """ self.openChannel(SFTPSession()) def notifyClientIsReady(self, client): """ Trigger callbacks associated with our SFTP client deferred. It's ready! """ self._sftpClient.callback(client) def getSftpClientDeferred(self): return self._sftpClient class SFTPUserAuthClient(SSHUserAuthClient): """ Twisted Conch doesn't have a way of getting a password. By default it gets it from stdin. This allows it to be retrieved from options instead. """ def getPassword(self, prompt = None): """ Get the password from the client options, is specified. """ if "password" in self.options: return succeed(self.options["password"]) return SSHUserAuthClient.getPassword(self, prompt) @inlineCallbacks def _send_file(client, file_info): # type: (FileTransferClient, FileInfo) -> Deferred """ Creates a directory if required and then creates the file. :param client: the SFTP client to use :param file_info: contains file name, directory, and data """ try: yield client.makeDirectory(file_info.directory, {}) except SFTPError as e: # In testing on various system, either a 4 or an 11 will indicate the directory # already exist. We are fine with that and want to continue if it does. If we misinterpreted # error code here we are probably still ok since we will just get the more systemic error # again on the next call to openFile. if e.code != 4 and e.code != 11: raise e f = yield client.openFile(file_info.to_path(), FXF_WRITE | FXF_CREAT | FXF_TRUNC, {}) try: yield _write_chunks(f, file_info.data, file_info.chunk_size) finally: yield f.close() @inlineCallbacks def _write_chunks(f, data, chunk_size): # type: (ClientFile, str, int) -> Deferred """ Convenience function to write data in chunks :param f: the file to write to :param data: the data to write :param chunk_size: the chunk size """ for offset in range(0, len(data), chunk_size): chunk = data[offset: offset + chunk_size] yield f.writeChunk(offset, chunk) It gets called like this: return sftp.sftp_send( client_options=SFTPClientOptions( host=self.options.host, port=self.options.port, user=self.options.user, fingerprint=self.options.fingerprint, identity=getattr(self.options, "identity", None), password=self._getPassword()), file_info=sftp.FileInfo( directory=self.options.directory, name=fileName, data=data, chunk_size=getattr(self.options, "chunkSize", sftp.CHUNK_SIZE))) But I supposed I'd like to see something more like this: sftpClient = self.getSftpClient( client_options=SFTPClientOptions( host=self.options.host, port=self.options.port, user=self.options.user, fingerprint=self.options.fingerprint, identity=getattr(self.options, "identity", None), password=self._getPassword())) return sftpClient.send( file_info=sftp.FileInfo( directory=self.options.directory, name=fileName, data=data, chunk_size=getattr(self.options, "chunkSize", sftp.CHUNK_SIZE))) Where sftpClient reuses the existing SSH connection if it is active (rather than logging in each time). But maybe the sftp service doesn't multiplex so I have to create a new SSHClientFactory every time I want to send a distinct file? Sorry for all the questions, new to twisted and a bit confused. Thanks! Robert

Hi Robers On Tue, 22 Sep 2020 at 16:43, Robert DiFalco <robert.difalco@gmail.com> wrote:
You will need to understand the low-level Twisted connection API and implement a reconnecting factory. When a new client-side connection is made, Twisted will use a factory to create the protocol/code used to handle that connection, You will then need to hook into the connectionLost method and do an auto-connection if the connection is lost (when you were not expecting it). --------- For my project, I am doing in this way: I have my own subclass of FileTransferClient which overwrites the default FileTransferClient,connectionLost method. With that, I am notified when the SFTP subsystem was closed and I can then trigger a new connection ------------- If you want to reuse an SFTP session for multiple operations just reuse the `sftpClient` instance that you got to trigger multiple operations sftpClient = yield conn.getSftpClientDeferred() for file_info in list_of_files_to_send: yield _send_file(sftpClient, file_info) ---------- Hope it helps -- Adi Roiban

On Sep 22, 2020, at 3:47 PM, Robert DiFalco <robert.difalco@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks! That is the full code. `connect` is from the conch library.
To clarify Adi's comment somewhat, the "full" code would mean following the rules of http://sscce.org <http://sscce.org/> here; i.e. minimize the example to be runnable on its own, then attach the code as you actually run it (as a .py file, or in a link to a gist or a repo), rather than pasted into the body of the email which can easily lead to transcription errors. For example, when I do paste your code into a file and run it, what I get is: Traceback (most recent call last): File "stuff.py", line 1, in <module> @attr.s(frozen=True) NameError: name 'attr' is not defined and yeah, one could guess as to where to get `import attr`, from — me especially ;-) - but then we have to repeat that process for dozens of names, one at a time, gradually reassembling your code into something that approximates what it looked like to you; then we have to hook up your connection example to be runnable on its own, and after we're done guessing at all the imports we have to guess at the versions of things in your environment. So a `requires.txt` generated by `pip freeze` or similar would also be a helpful addition here, just so someone attempting to tinker with your code can quickly get to the point rather than spending lots of time setting up things you've already done. Thanks for using Twisted, and good luck with Conch! -glyph

Here's a gist and here are my high level questions, I hope they make sense and this is enough context. https://gist.github.com/radifalco/5a5cca4bf8d49d5c61113e36f9be7553 1. I would expect a `makeDirectory` to raise an exception when the SSH server closes a connection that is idle for too long (or any connection error/issue). However, it appears like `makeConnection` never fires any callbacks OR errbacks? In fact it doesn't seem to yield at all. It detects the connection is closed, calls closed, but `makeDirectory` never has any callbacks triggered. What am I missing? Is there a timeout I'm not setting? I wouldn't think so since the FileTransferClient and underlying transport already know the connection is no good. https://gist.github.com/radifalco/5a5cca4bf8d49d5c61113e36f9be7553#file-sftp... 2. I can't quite figure out the reconnect/retry logic when the server closes the connection. Because when it recreates the connection the SFTPFileTransferClient has already been sent to the deferred. Maybe I need to retain that instance and call makeConnection on it again and not fire the deferred? As you can see I tried that but it doesn't work. On Wed, Sep 23, 2020 at 9:43 AM Glyph <glyph@twistedmatrix.com> wrote:

Hi Robers On Tue, 22 Sep 2020 at 16:43, Robert DiFalco <robert.difalco@gmail.com> wrote:
You will need to understand the low-level Twisted connection API and implement a reconnecting factory. When a new client-side connection is made, Twisted will use a factory to create the protocol/code used to handle that connection, You will then need to hook into the connectionLost method and do an auto-connection if the connection is lost (when you were not expecting it). --------- For my project, I am doing in this way: I have my own subclass of FileTransferClient which overwrites the default FileTransferClient,connectionLost method. With that, I am notified when the SFTP subsystem was closed and I can then trigger a new connection ------------- If you want to reuse an SFTP session for multiple operations just reuse the `sftpClient` instance that you got to trigger multiple operations sftpClient = yield conn.getSftpClientDeferred() for file_info in list_of_files_to_send: yield _send_file(sftpClient, file_info) ---------- Hope it helps -- Adi Roiban

On Sep 22, 2020, at 3:47 PM, Robert DiFalco <robert.difalco@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks! That is the full code. `connect` is from the conch library.
To clarify Adi's comment somewhat, the "full" code would mean following the rules of http://sscce.org <http://sscce.org/> here; i.e. minimize the example to be runnable on its own, then attach the code as you actually run it (as a .py file, or in a link to a gist or a repo), rather than pasted into the body of the email which can easily lead to transcription errors. For example, when I do paste your code into a file and run it, what I get is: Traceback (most recent call last): File "stuff.py", line 1, in <module> @attr.s(frozen=True) NameError: name 'attr' is not defined and yeah, one could guess as to where to get `import attr`, from — me especially ;-) - but then we have to repeat that process for dozens of names, one at a time, gradually reassembling your code into something that approximates what it looked like to you; then we have to hook up your connection example to be runnable on its own, and after we're done guessing at all the imports we have to guess at the versions of things in your environment. So a `requires.txt` generated by `pip freeze` or similar would also be a helpful addition here, just so someone attempting to tinker with your code can quickly get to the point rather than spending lots of time setting up things you've already done. Thanks for using Twisted, and good luck with Conch! -glyph

Here's a gist and here are my high level questions, I hope they make sense and this is enough context. https://gist.github.com/radifalco/5a5cca4bf8d49d5c61113e36f9be7553 1. I would expect a `makeDirectory` to raise an exception when the SSH server closes a connection that is idle for too long (or any connection error/issue). However, it appears like `makeConnection` never fires any callbacks OR errbacks? In fact it doesn't seem to yield at all. It detects the connection is closed, calls closed, but `makeDirectory` never has any callbacks triggered. What am I missing? Is there a timeout I'm not setting? I wouldn't think so since the FileTransferClient and underlying transport already know the connection is no good. https://gist.github.com/radifalco/5a5cca4bf8d49d5c61113e36f9be7553#file-sftp... 2. I can't quite figure out the reconnect/retry logic when the server closes the connection. Because when it recreates the connection the SFTPFileTransferClient has already been sent to the deferred. Maybe I need to retain that instance and call makeConnection on it again and not fire the deferred? As you can see I tried that but it doesn't work. On Wed, Sep 23, 2020 at 9:43 AM Glyph <glyph@twistedmatrix.com> wrote:
participants (3)
Adi Roiban
Robert DiFalco