[Twisted-Python] How to develop a module to download a file from a path

Dear All, I want know how to develop a module to download a file from a path using twisted.web.static.File Class . I think using this class we can create easily Actually I am new to twisted concepts. So If anybody know regarding this mail me. regards prabahar ________________________________________________________________________ Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online Go to: http://yahoo.shaadi.com/india-matrimony

Dear All, Using html form how to develop downloading and uploading of a file in twisted.web. regards Praba ________________________________________________________________________ Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online Go to: http://yahoo.shaadi.com/india-matrimony

Dear All, Using html form how to develop downloading and uploading of a file in twisted.web. regards Praba ________________________________________________________________________ Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online Go to: http://yahoo.shaadi.com/india-matrimony
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