Thank you very much Robert.I have been using SuSE10.0 that contained
twisted.I could not find twisted when updating to SuSE10.1Wired.I am back to
suse10.0 again.I will learn more about twisted from now.
On 12/7/06, <> wrote:
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: web2: http Content-Length header (Pieter Grimmerink)
2. twisted dohop ( Atli ?orbj?rnsson )
3. Re: twisted dohop (Christopher Armstrong)
4. Re: web2: http Content-Length header (David Reid)
5. Problems with building of twisted-2.4.0 (Steve Han)
6. Re: Problems with building of twisted-2.4.0 (Robert Gravina)
7. Re: web2: http Content-Length header (Pieter Grimmerink)
8. Thread (Gabriel)
9. Re: Thread (Jean-Paul Calderone)
10. Re: web2: http Content-Length header (James Y Knight)
11. Re: web2: http Content-Length header (Pieter Grimmerink)
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2006 22:55:37 +0100
From: Pieter Grimmerink <>
Subject: Re: [Twisted-Python] web2: http Content-Length header
To: Twisted general discussion <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
On Monday 04 December 2006 22:16, Pieter Grimmerink wrote:
Is it really necessary to remove the content-length header from the
Correction, it turns out indeed it has to be removed. If it isn't stripped
from the response, somehow the download stops after a single block of data
has been received.
Since the content-length is saved in self.length, the following could be a
workaround (and it does work fine here):
Add the Content-Length header again after calling setConnectionParams, at
the bottom of allHeadersReceived (line 195 twisted/web2/channel/
self.inHeaders.setHeader('Content-Length', str(self.length))
What exactly goes wrong with setConnectionParams when the Content-Length
header is not (temporarily) removed is not 100% clear to me, so there
probably are better solutions for this problem.
Regards, Pieter
Message: 2
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2006 22:51:06 +0000
From: " Atli ?orbj?rnsson " <>
Subject: [Twisted-Python] twisted dohop
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
We would like to be added to the ProjectsUsingTwisted page. is a
flight planner and twisted runs what we call our "priceserver". The
priceserver is under a substantial amount of load and twisted handles the
job handsomely.
Try it out at
The backend of the site runs otherwise almost wholly on Python with bits
pieces in C. We do a lot of django under mod_python with a mysql db.
Hope you see us fit for a mention and thank you for the amazing framework
that is twisted.
Atli Thorbjornsson