Re: [Twisted-Python] Hacking Reality

On Wed, Oct 10, 2001 at 10:21:20AM +1000, wrote:
Well, your timing is interesting. I just got a phone call last night from Glyph, and we talked a bit about how the new spatial simulation system is _not_ to be developed inside twisted.reality, but as a separate package. Twisted.reality still does need a lot of work, and glyph pointed out a few things to me that need done: 1) Re-do the broadcasting system. It's kind of a mess now. I've taken a _look_ at this, but I'm not really sure where to take it. IIRC you were the guy who was interested in this before, so if you could do a little work in this area it'd be great. <<<<< Yes, that is me. I did have some code ready for 0.10.2 (or whatever was current two weeks ago). As soon as I get some time I will see how this fits in with 0.11.0. I suspect any changes would be minimal, though I will need to change TRDemo and Inheritance.
2) Get rid of the 'reality' reference inside things. Glyph says this would apparently reduce memory footprint by a huge amount. I think I'll analyze exactly how much work getting rid of this is going to mean. Obviously it's not just a simple "ok, delete all code using thing.reality" -- it's a big structural change (Realities should reference things, and not the other way around) 3) Get rid of the global object dicts. This would probably be a lot of work as a lot of code would get touched by this. As glyph has preached before, "Twisted represents a huge directional graph" -- things can get references to each other any number of ways, without a global thing store. <<<<< I have not looked into these two points much. I will look at them when I get some time, after I have made my changes for the broadcast system. [snip brain-dump]
Ehh, that last paragraph was pretty much a braindump. But I am kinda tired of being completely clueless about how all this stuff is gonna fit together. <<<<< Like I said, whatever time I can get to work on Twisted I will be happy to give. Cheers, ChrisH -- This transmission is for the intended addressee only and is confidential information. If you have received this transmission in error, please delete it and notify the sender. The contents of this e-mail are the opinion of the writer only and are not endorsed by the Mincom Group of companies unless expressly stated otherwise.
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