[Twisted-Python] Plugins as event subscribers?

Hi! I'm starting my first Twisted project. It will consist of some sort of daemon which will communicate with one game server via UDP protocol and as result of this communication it will fireup some events. All needed functional will provided via plugins. Each plugin will register handler on each event during init process. Each handler will use some sort of core API to communicate with game server (for example to send message to player). Twisted provided enough good usefull options: - Easy low level UDP programming - Easy support of plugins But how about easy providing high level API to plugins? How about non twisted events engine? Should I write theese things from scratch, or I should read documentation more deeper and find some sort of framework to write such things? I don't have much Python expirience, that's why I ask this questions. I've some expirience with Zope and TurboGears web frameworks, they are also Python based, but I suppose this expirience will be useless with Twisted.
participants (1)
Ivanov Maxim