[Twisted-Python] Twisted Sprint in SF, 9/22 (this saturday)

Hi all! For those of you in the Bay Area, there will be a Twisted sprint this Saturday at Rackspace (620 Folsom St., between 2nd and Hawthorne) in San Francisco. Food and drink will be provided. Thanks! -Ying

Le Sep 20, 2012 à 9:43 AM, Ying Li <cyli@twistedmatrix.com> a écrit :
More information is available here: <http://www.meetup.com/San-Francisco-Twisted-Python-Meetup/events/82122312/> For those of you who aren't in the bay area, feel free to follow along at home on #twisted-dev on freenode.net. If you are, but you haven't been to one of the sprints before, you should give it a try! Come learn about how to work on Twisted, or get your favorite bugs fixed. The last couple of these events have been a lot of fun. I hope to see many of you there! -glyph

Le Sep 20, 2012 à 9:43 AM, Ying Li <cyli@twistedmatrix.com> a écrit :
More information is available here: <http://www.meetup.com/San-Francisco-Twisted-Python-Meetup/events/82122312/> For those of you who aren't in the bay area, feel free to follow along at home on #twisted-dev on freenode.net. If you are, but you haven't been to one of the sprints before, you should give it a try! Come learn about how to work on Twisted, or get your favorite bugs fixed. The last couple of these events have been a lot of fun. I hope to see many of you there! -glyph
participants (2)
Ying Li