[Twisted-Python] How to disconnect a client, when you only have an instance of pb.PBClientFactory ?

I'm still trying to kill a hung PB client connection to a server. I noticed the timeout parameter in reactor.connectTCP() is not what I what, as it is only used once the connection is established (PB handshake). I'm trying to kill a connection that didn't manage to make the PB handshake (for example when instead of having a PB server, you have a server that replies to TCP but not to PB, like a netcat program). So my idea is to launch a callLater that, if the connection is still present after 5 seconds (the callLater hasn't been cancelled), will close the client connection. The problem is that I just have an instance of pb.PBClientFactory, and I cannot find in the forest of methods which one I could use to cut that connection (if that's possible). I attached a small test file, if my explanation was really clear :-) Thanks for your help, Luc

I have been looking over the Multicast server example in the documentation (pages 92/93). In both the server and the client there the line: from twisted.application.internet import MulticastServer but I don't see any need for it. Am I missing something here? Peace, Chuck Wegrzyn

I have been looking over the Multicast server example in the documentation (pages 92/93). In both the server and the client there the line: from twisted.application.internet import MulticastServer but I don't see any need for it. Am I missing something here? Peace, Chuck Wegrzyn
participants (2)
Luc Stepniewski