[Twisted-Python] Virtual hosting and twisted.mail and twisted.web

Hello all, I'm doing some RnD for eventual migration to a twisted system. I'm not sure how 'production' the various bits of twisted are and I'm also not sure how all the bits would fit together. I'm thinking I'll need: twisted.web (need to do virtual hosts on with this) twisted.mail twisted.names(?) I think the setup I'm planning is quite common on the net but most people use apache and sendmail and something called virtualhostmonster? Users should not need a unix account - for email, I'm thinking of using a db to store their username and passwords and get twisted.mail to check there when they try to authenticate to download their emails. Incidentally, would mbox or a dbms be better here? Of course, each website of these users would be on the same machine with the same ip. They would have different domains though - with the content of their websites stored in (maybe) an rdbms. So: Bob's homepage would be at: http://www.bobshome.com and his email would be: bob@bobshome.net I would greatly appreciate pointers/tips to achieve this.
participants (2)
Mukhsein Johari
Tommi Virtanen