[Twisted-Python] using py.test with twisted

Hi, there's been a discussion about using the nose unittest system together with twisted.trial. I'm attaching a short script which enables the py.test system (http://codespeak.net/py/dist/test.html) to execute unittests which use twisted (it's not compatible with trial, instead you have to write your unittests like you would in py.test.). It uses greenlets in order to integrate twisted's mainloop with py.test. This method might also be applicable with nose (and might be a better hack than the threaded_reactor hack). Tested with a recent twisted trunk and py-0.9.0.Note that the setup and teardown methods currently can't return deferreds. - Ralf #! /usr/bin/env python import sys from py.magic import greenlet def monkeypatch(): """monkeypatch py.test.item.Function.execute""" import py.__.test.item def myexecute(self, target, *args): res = gr_twisted.switch(lambda: target(*args)) if res: res.raiseException() py.__.test.item.Function.execute = myexecute def start_twisted_logging(): class Logger(object): """late-bound sys.stdout""" def write(self, msg): sys.stdout.write(msg) def flush(self): sys.stdout.flush() # sys.stdout will be changed by py.test later. import twisted.python.log twisted.python.log.startLogging(Logger(), setStdout=0) def run_twisted(): """greenlet: run twisted mainloop""" from twisted.internet import reactor, defer from twisted.python import log, failure failure.Failure.cleanFailure = lambda *args: None # make twisted copy traceback... start_twisted_logging() def doit(val): res = gr_tests.switch(val) if res is None: reactor.stop() return def done(res): reactor.callLater(0.0, doit, None) def err(res): reactor.callLater(0.0, doit, res) defer.maybeDeferred(res).addCallback(done).addErrback(err) reactor.callLater(0.0, doit, None) reactor.run() gr_twisted = greenlet(run_twisted) gr_tests = greenlet.getcurrent() def main(): monkeypatch() import py.test.cmdline gr_twisted.switch() try: py.test.cmdline.main() finally: gr_twisted.switch(None) if __name__=='__main__': main()
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Ralf Schmitt