[Twisted-Python] Using form

Hello: I'm working with twisted since a few days ago, and although I have read the tutorial, still I have some question about the class Request. Well, I have implemented project.rpy that have a form and use the method post the send the information to commit.rpy. <form action="commit.rpy?action=""" + action + """&type=project&id=""" + projid + """ method="post"> <table align="center" width="750" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#353535"> <tr> <td bgcolor=#FFFFFF width="30%"> User ID <td> <td bgcolor=#FFFFFF width="70%"> <input name='user_id' type='text' value='""" + userid + """'> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor=#FFFFFF width="30%"> Project Name <td> <td bgcolor=#FFFFFF width="70%"> <input name='project_name' type='text' value='""" + name + """'> </tr> ... </table> </form> This a part of my code. The problem is how can I get the information in commit.rpy, and why all the information that I send using the method Post, is attached in the URL. I don't want that. Thank you very much.
participants (2)
Alberto Trujillo
Itamar Shtull-Trauring