Re: [Twisted-Python] A pseudo-deferred class that can be canceled

"Glyph" == Glyph Lefkowitz <> writes:
Glyph> This implies, to me, that the cancellation callback would be better Glyph> passed to addCallbacks(): effectively creating a third callback Glyph> chain going from invoker to responder rather than the other way Glyph> 'round as callbacks and errbacks do. After I went to bed I realized that someone is immediately going to want to have a cancel function that returns a deferred. And what happens if something goes wrong in a cancel function? So you could end up with four chains, not two. And you could have addCancelback *prepend* its functions to its chains, so that when the chain is fired using the normal mechanism, it runs backwards. So a deferred is running its callbacks from one end, and a client at the other end calls the cancelback, which starts running callbacks from its end. And when the two meet? It's like the moment in Ghostbusters, when they're screaming "Don't cross the streams! Don't cross the streams!" The mind begins to boggle... does madness that way lie? Maybe not. T

Terry Jones wrote:
FWIW, the way I've dealt with these sorts of things (in Tahoe, at least) has been to set a flag that is checked at a variety of useful stopping points, and if the flag is set, raise some sort of "Interrupted" exception, which bypasses the rest of the callback chain. Then, at the end, I add an errback which only catches Interrupted and ignores it. I think of this as the Deferred equivalent of returning early from a subroutine. It has the nice property that anything that goes wrong in the interrupt/cancellation process will be reported in the same place as any other errors. Something like: class Interrupted(Exception): pass class Foo: interrupted = False def start(self): d = self.do_one() d.addCallback(self.do_two) d.addCallback(self.do_three) d.addErrback(self.eat_interrupt) return d def interrupt(self): self.interrupted = True def do_one(self): return startSomething() def do_two(self, res): if self.interrupted: raise Interrupted() return startSomethingElse() def do_three(self, res): if self.interrupted: raise Interrupted() return startSomethingOther() def eat_interrupt(self, f): f.trap(Interrupted) return None d = Foo().start() This doesn't explicitly cancel whatever step is currently in progress, but it makes sure that we won't move on to the next step. When the steps are small and reasonably side-effect free, this seems to work pretty well. If the steps were larger, then I'd have do_one/do_two/do_three record a counter to indicate what step was currently in progress, and then change interrupt() to perform whatever sort of cancellation was appropriate for that particular step. This usually makes it more obvious what sorts of references or objects or whatever you'll be needing to cancel the work that's been started, because you have to stash them (for use by interrupt()) at the same time that you start the work: def do_two(self, res): if self.interrupted: raise Interrupted() self.current_step = 2 handle = self.start_something_long() self.handle_to_cancel_step_2 = handle return handle.start() def interrupt(self): self.interrupted = True ... if self.current_step == 2: self.handle_to_cancel_step_2.cancel() I've also had systems (somewhere in Buildbot, I think) where interrupt() took and stashed a Failure argument, and made sure that the already-running Deferred chain errbacked with that, by using: if self.interrupted: raise self.interrupted but I'm not fond of that technique anymore, since the Failure that pops out of the chain won't have a stack trace that references anything in the chain. It's a tricky subject: you care both about who called interrupt() and at what point in the chain was the interrupt recognized. One other trick I've used is to have self.interrupted be a string, recording "why" the process was interrupted, and arrange for the Interrupt() class to include that string in its repr. All that said, the handful of places where I've used these techniques have since grown large enough that I'm planning to rewrite them in terms of state machines, and to have exactly one Deferred (used to indicate overall completion). The immediate problem that the big Deferred chain is causing me is that remote Foolscap calls to hosts that have silently disconnected (e.g. they got unplugged from the network) will stall for 20 minutes, causing the rest of the chain to stall, and a state machine approach will make it easier to build adaptive timeouts around these calls. cheers, -Brian

Terry Jones wrote:
FWIW, the way I've dealt with these sorts of things (in Tahoe, at least) has been to set a flag that is checked at a variety of useful stopping points, and if the flag is set, raise some sort of "Interrupted" exception, which bypasses the rest of the callback chain. Then, at the end, I add an errback which only catches Interrupted and ignores it. I think of this as the Deferred equivalent of returning early from a subroutine. It has the nice property that anything that goes wrong in the interrupt/cancellation process will be reported in the same place as any other errors. Something like: class Interrupted(Exception): pass class Foo: interrupted = False def start(self): d = self.do_one() d.addCallback(self.do_two) d.addCallback(self.do_three) d.addErrback(self.eat_interrupt) return d def interrupt(self): self.interrupted = True def do_one(self): return startSomething() def do_two(self, res): if self.interrupted: raise Interrupted() return startSomethingElse() def do_three(self, res): if self.interrupted: raise Interrupted() return startSomethingOther() def eat_interrupt(self, f): f.trap(Interrupted) return None d = Foo().start() This doesn't explicitly cancel whatever step is currently in progress, but it makes sure that we won't move on to the next step. When the steps are small and reasonably side-effect free, this seems to work pretty well. If the steps were larger, then I'd have do_one/do_two/do_three record a counter to indicate what step was currently in progress, and then change interrupt() to perform whatever sort of cancellation was appropriate for that particular step. This usually makes it more obvious what sorts of references or objects or whatever you'll be needing to cancel the work that's been started, because you have to stash them (for use by interrupt()) at the same time that you start the work: def do_two(self, res): if self.interrupted: raise Interrupted() self.current_step = 2 handle = self.start_something_long() self.handle_to_cancel_step_2 = handle return handle.start() def interrupt(self): self.interrupted = True ... if self.current_step == 2: self.handle_to_cancel_step_2.cancel() I've also had systems (somewhere in Buildbot, I think) where interrupt() took and stashed a Failure argument, and made sure that the already-running Deferred chain errbacked with that, by using: if self.interrupted: raise self.interrupted but I'm not fond of that technique anymore, since the Failure that pops out of the chain won't have a stack trace that references anything in the chain. It's a tricky subject: you care both about who called interrupt() and at what point in the chain was the interrupt recognized. One other trick I've used is to have self.interrupted be a string, recording "why" the process was interrupted, and arrange for the Interrupt() class to include that string in its repr. All that said, the handful of places where I've used these techniques have since grown large enough that I'm planning to rewrite them in terms of state machines, and to have exactly one Deferred (used to indicate overall completion). The immediate problem that the big Deferred chain is causing me is that remote Foolscap calls to hosts that have silently disconnected (e.g. they got unplugged from the network) will stall for 20 minutes, causing the rest of the chain to stall, and a state machine approach will make it easier to build adaptive timeouts around these calls. cheers, -Brian
participants (2)
Brian Warner
Terry Jones