[Twisted-Python] twisted.web2 only can serve one connection at the same time when using scgi?

Hi everyone, I am trying to use apache2 + scgi to write a application,I found twisted.web2 supports the scgi module.I began to use this library to write some code to test how to use it,just like this: from twisted.web2 import server, channel, resource,http,http_headers from twisted.application import service, strports from twisted.internet import reactor, defer class Test(resource.Resource): def getResponse(self, result = None): rep = "The output which shall be transferred to the browser." res = http.Response( 200, {'content-type': http_headers.MimeType('text','plain')}, rep) print "---- getResponse returning: ", res return res def render(self,request): print 'a new request is coming' d = defer.Deferred() import time d.addCallback(lambda x:x).addCallback(self.getResponse) reactor.callLater(10,d.callback,0) return d toplevel = Test() site = server.Site(toplevel) application = service.Application("demoserver") s = strports.service('tcp:8888', channel.SCGIFactory(site)) s.setServiceParent(application) in the render function,I used a defer to simulate a time-consuming operation which takes ten seconds.IF in twisted.web,I can first return a server.NOT_DONE_YET,and use request.write() and request.finish() when the time-consuming operation is done(still use defer to do this).but twisted.web2 only supports returning a iweb.IResponse.it seems returning a defer is the only way. _|| <http://python.net/crew/mwh/apidocs/twisted.web2.iweb.IResponse.html>_ here is the output: 2009-06-23 15:45:11+0800 [-] Log opened. 2009-06-23 15:45:11+0800 [-] twistd 8.2.0 (/usr/bin/python 2.5.2) starting up. 2009-06-23 15:45:11+0800 [-] reactor class: twisted.internet.selectreactor.SelectReactor. 2009-06-23 15:45:11+0800 [-] twisted.web2.channel.scgi.SCGIFactory starting on 8888 2009-06-23 15:45:11+0800 [-] Starting factory <twisted.web2.channel.scgi.SCGIFactory instance at 0xf213f8> 2009-06-23 15:45:26+0800 [SCGIChannelRequest,0,] a new request is coming 2009-06-23 15:45:36+0800 [-] ---- getResponse returning: <twisted.web2.http.Response code=200, streamlen=53> 2009-06-23 15:45:36+0800 [SCGIChannelRequest,1,] a new request is coming 2009-06-23 15:45:46+0800 [-] ---- getResponse returning: <twisted.web2.http.Response code=200, streamlen=53> 2009-06-23 15:45:46+0800 [SCGIChannelRequest,2,] a new request is coming 2009-06-23 15:45:56+0800 [-] ---- getResponse returning: <twisted.web2.http.Response code=200, streamlen=53> I use the 3 browsers to access the URL within 1 second,but as we all see in the log,the server accepts the requests one by one,that is really not acceptable.I checked a little about the twisted.web2 source code, this render function is in a defer's callbacks chain,when I return a defer in a defer's callbacks chain,sure,the rest of the callbacks will wait for my defer to finish ,even I run it with reactor.callLater.so far,I feel I can do nothing about this,anyone can help me about this? Regards Chris
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