[Twisted-Python] Retrying function calls

These days I often find myself writing code to talk to services that are periodically briefly unavailable. An error of some kind occurs and the correct (and documented) action to take is just to retry the original call. Examples include using Amazon's S3 service and the Twitter API. In both of these services, transient failures happen fairly frequently. So I wrote the class below to retry calls, and tried to make it fairly general. I'd be happy to hear comments on it, because it's pretty simple and if it can be made bullet proof I imagine others will use it too. First off, here's the class that handles the calling: from twisted.internet import reactor, defer, task from twisted.python import log, failure class RetryingCall(object): """Calls a function repeatedly, passing it args and kw args. Failures are passed to a user-supplied failure testing function. If the failure is ignored, the function is called again after a delay whose duration is obtained from a user-supplied iterator. The start method (below) returns a deferred that fires with the eventual non-error result of calling the supplied function, or fires its errback if no successful result can be obtained before the delay backoff iterator raises StopIteration. """ def __init__(self, f, *args, **kw): self._f = f self._args = args self._kw = kw def _err(self, fail): try: fail = self._failureTester(fail) except: self._deferred.errback() else: if isinstance(fail, failure.Failure): self._deferred.errback(fail) else: log.msg('RetryingCall: Ignoring %r' % (fail,)) self._call() def _call(self): try: delay = self._backoffIterator.next() except StopIteration: log.msg('StopIteration in RetryingCall: ran out of attempts.') self._deferred.errback() else: d = task.deferLater(reactor, delay, self._f, *self._args, **self._kw) d.addCallbacks(self._deferred.callback, self._err) def start(self, backoffIterator=None, failureTester=None): self._backoffIterator = backoffIterator or simpleBackoffIterator() self._failureTester = failureTester or (lambda f: f) self._deferred = defer.Deferred() self._call() return self._deferred You call the constructor with function and its args. When you call start() you get back a deferred that eventually fires with the result of the call, or an error. BTW, I called it "start" to mirror task.LoopingCall. There's a helper function for producing successive inter-call delays: from operator import mul from functools import partial def simpleBackoffIterator(maxResults=10, maxDelay=5.0, now=True, initDelay=0.01, incFunc=None): assert maxResults > 0 remaining = maxResults delay = initDelay incFunc = incFunc or partial(mul, 2.0) if now: yield 0.0 remaining -= 1 while True: if remaining == 0: raise StopIteration yield (delay if delay < maxDelay else maxDelay) delay = incFunc(delay) remaining -= 1 By default this will generate the sequence of inter-call delays 0.0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.08, 0.16, 0.32, 0.64, 1.28, 2.56 and it should be easy to see how you could write your own. Or you can just supply a list, etc. When the backoff iterator finishes, the RetryingCall class gives up on trying to get a non-error result from the function. In that case you just get a StopIteration exception in the failure that start() deferred returns (I was originally returning the original failure, but decided to simplify. If you want that, you can keep it yourself in an error tracking class, see below). You get to specify a function for testing failures. If it ever raises or returns a failure, the start() deferred's errback is called. The failure tester can just ignore whatever failures should be considered transient. So, for example, if you were calling S3 and wanted to ignore 504 errors, you could supply a failureTester arg like this: from twisted.web import error, http def test(self, failure): failure.trap(error.Error) if int(failure.value.status) != http.GATEWAY_TIMEOUT: return failure As another example, while using the Twitter API you might want to allow a range of HTTP errors and also exactly one 404 error, seeing as a 404 *might* be an error on the part of Twitter (I don't mean to suggest that actually happens). It's probably definitive - but, why not try it once again just to be more sure? So, pass RetryingCall a failureTester that's an instance of a class like this: class TwitterFailureTester(object): okErrs = (http.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, http.BAD_GATEWAY, http.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) def __init__(self): self.seen404 = False def __call__(self, failure): failure.trap(error.Error) status = int(failure.value.status) if status == http.NOT_FOUND: if self.seen404: return failure else: self.seen404 = True elif status not in self.okErrs: return failure Changing existing code to use RetryingCall is pretty trivial. Take something like this from twisted.web import client def getUserByScreenname(screenname): d = client.getPage( 'http://twitter.com/users/show.json?screen_name=glyf') return d and change it to look like this: def getUserByScreenname(screenname): r = RetryingCall(client.getPage, 'http://twitter.com/users/show.json?screen_name=glyf') d = r.start(failureTester=TwitterFailureTester()) return d I wrote the above last night, so I don't know if it's fully robust. But I dropped it into some of my own stuff last night and it seems to work. I also have a small test suite in case anyone wants it. My questions are: Is this robust? Can/should it be improved? Any criticism of the code (especially wrt Twisted best practices) would be very welcome. Thanks! Terry

Hi Terry, 2009/11/1 Terry Jones <terry@jon.es>: <SNIP>
My questions are: Is this robust? Can/should it be improved? Any criticism of the code (especially wrt Twisted best practices) would be very welcome.
Looks pretty good. To streamline the usage and make the intent more apparent from a brief glance at the header you might consider turning it into a decorator, like http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonDecoratorLibrary#Retry - the retry method there is simpler than yours but easy to extend beyond the flip-flop scenario it currently caters for. I have also been doing some work using the AWS query APIs and a minor variant of that decorator now holds a high position in my Python tool belt module. Regards, ~Blair -- In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite. - Paul Dirac

On Sun, Nov 01, 2009 at 05:53:31PM +0100, Terry Jones wrote:
def simpleBackoffIterator(maxResults=10, maxDelay=5.0, now=True, initDelay=0.01, incFunc=None): assert maxResults > 0 remaining = maxResults delay = initDelay incFunc = incFunc or partial(mul, 2.0)
if now: yield 0.0 remaining -= 1 while True: if remaining == 0: raise StopIteration yield (delay if delay < maxDelay else maxDelay) delay = incFunc(delay) remaining -= 1
Since this is a generator function, it will automatically raise StopIteration once control-flow falls off the end of the function, so your while-loop could just be written: while remaining > 0: yield (delay if delay < maxDelay else maxDelay) delay = incFunc(delay) remaining -= 1 ...making the function of the "remaining" counter just a little more explicit.
participants (3)
Blair Bethwaite
Terry Jones
Tim Allen