Re: [XML-SIG] Re: [Twisted-Python] Can anyone recommend a sensible XML parser for Python?

OK. So what should it mean to clone any of these node types? I can't hardly imagine anything that doesn't run into circular madness. I think the DOM WG refused to specify this for good reason.
OK. Glad it's fixed, then.
It's not arbitrary at all. cloneNode is not supposed to alter the ownerDocument: that is for importNode to do. So if you clone a document node, what happens? Do you Create a new document (and thus docType) node and then effectively call importNode on the childNodes? That's the only approach that makes sense to me. Yet it's quite arbitrary and magical. I would rather force people to be clear about what they're doing by manually creating another document and then calling importNode on all the childNodes of the original. So I do not agree that we should support cloneNode for the 4 unspecified node types.
I agree that not supporting it is legal. The exception that is raised is wrong: it should be xml.dom.NotSupportedErr.
There is no stipulation that such an exception should be thrown. The behavior is impl dependent, and I don't see why that doesn't mean the implementation can choose to throw whatever exception it wishes. However, I certainly do not object to a change to throwing xml.dom.NotSupportedErr. I just don't think it's a bug that right now it doesn't.
Yes. Build and test farms would be the main engine of such an effort. -- Uche Ogbuji Fourthought, Inc. Track chair, XML/Web Services One Boston: Basic XML and RDF techniques for knowledge management, Part 7 - Keeping pace with James Clark - ry/x-jclark.html Python and XML development using 4Suite, Part 3: 4RDF - 1EA5A2CF4621C386256BBB006F4CEC
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Uche Ogbuji