[Twisted-Python] April 20th Sprint Report

Hello all, The first TSF sponsored Twisted sprint is done. Here's a quick rundown of some of the things that happened. * Glyph Lefkowitz made a huge dent in the current review queue, dealing with more than half of the outstanding tickets. * After some discussion about the value of a bugfix-only release vs a normal bugfix and feature enhancement release, Christopher Armstrong got the wheels rolling on 8.1.0 (which will be of the latter type). You probably already saw the pre1 announcement. Give it a spin! * Paul Swartz continued to strive towards the goal of Twisted Conch being as soft and cuddly as a little bunny rabbit. * Ying Li worked on permission and ownership features for FilePath. * Jeff Mancuso came by for a while and talked about Twisted Conch performance (and did some benchmarks) and SFTP access control issues. * Roland Hedberg got his hands dirty in pyOpenSSL working on adding an API to get arbitrary X509v3 extensions. * Itamar Shtull-Trauring helped out all around. * I finished fixing some reactor startup and shutdown issues introduced in 8.0. We also discussed Twisted's backwards compatibility policy, guided mostly by Jonathan Lange's email of the 18th to this list, with the goal of creating an official document. The next sprint is tentatively scheduled for May 18th at the Divmod office. Jean-Paul
participants (3)
Duncan McGreggor
Gabriel Rossetti
Jean-Paul Calderone