[Twisted-Python] First pre-release of Twisted 13.0.0

Hello fine people of Twisted, I've the pleasure to announce the first pre-release of Twisted 13.0.0. This is mostly a bugfix release, but I'd like to highlight the new "Introduction to Deferreds" document, which will hopefully help all the Deferred-confused over the world. Among the 70 tickets closed, we can see: * A fix in twisted.web.template where attributes were not quoted properly, risking HTML injection. * Support for unicode domain names in twisted.names SRVConnector and Name classes, after a 12.3 regression. * A workaround for platform limitations when trying to schedule events far in the future. You can find the tarballs of the pre-release here: http://twistedmatrix.com/~therve/13.0.0pre1/ For more information, see the NEWS file. Please download the tarballs and test them! -- Thomas
participants (3)
Jonathan Lange
Thomas Hervé