Re: [Twisted-Python] bringing LDAP back

On Jul 1, 2014, at 10:40 AM, Tommi Virtanen <> wrote:
OK. At this point I think the one task *I* need to do is to make some people members of the Twisted org on github. Can I have a list of all the relevant github handles? (Also, please be careful, and don't push to the main Twisted repo if you work on Twisted. Github is super obnoxious about mirroring; we can't turn off pull requests and we can't turn off pushes even though it's really supposed to be a read-only mirror right now, and pushes to that repository break our SVN integration.)
Sounds good to me.
As long as that happens in a single commit, it'll be easy to restore in e.g. a new twisted/ldaptor-webui repository, if wanted.
If there's going to be a web UI it should probably use twisted.web.template and not nevow, given that it doesn't use Athena or any JS. -glyph
participants (1)
Glyph Lefkowitz