[Twisted-Python] Working with Reality

I would like to work towards developing Reality into a more mature environment, but (laughably) I am having trouble even getting the environment started (ie, I am recieving a traceback). Can someone please give me a general breakdown on getting TRDemo or Inheritance started. Mark

On Fri, 3 Aug 2001, M.J. Stahl wrote:
What's the traceback? If you email it we'll probably be able to figure out the problem a lot faster :)
Can someone please give me a general breakdown on getting TRDemo or Inheritance started.
Make sure you have all the latest stuff; 0.9.4 fixes some minor problems with reality and there are new .tar.gz files in the 'reality' directory on the website. If you do that and things are still broken, please send the traceback so I see what's happening, at least. ______ __ __ _____ _ _ | ____ | \_/ |_____] |_____| |_____| |_____ | | | | @ t w i s t e d m a t r i x . c o m http://twistedmatrix.com/users/glyph

While doing up some documentation for Twisted on Windows, I found a small problem with runtests. The test for DirDbm fails when the script tries to create the file "/tmp/dirdbm". The creation of this file is handled by calls to the os and os.path modules. Under Windows, an error occurs when trying to create this directory. There are a number of solutions to this problem but I don't know how similar os and os.path conflicts have been resolved. Glyph, is there a standard way to handle this? I don't know how prevalent the use of these modules is. It may be that Twisted can not be ported to Windows. I don't think this will be the case as I did build and run a static server. A bigger concern as far as runtests goes is it does not shut down cleanly on Windows. I have not tried to track this problem down yet, but I suspect it has something to do with the os and os.path modules - such as the use of fork(), for example. This is also a problem with running twistd to get the static server going, but I think a wrapper Python script could fix this. I'll post my Windows documentation when I get it finished. Cheers, ChrisH -- This transmission is for the intended addressee only and is confidential information. If you have received this transmission in error, please delete it and notify the sender. The contents of this e-mail are the opinion of the writer only and are not endorsed by the Mincom Group of companies unless expressly stated otherwise.

From: "M.J. Stahl" <mjmstahl@one.net>
I got Inheritance running, eventually, under Windows 98. If you'd like the details of how, I will post them tomorrow as it is my home machine. I am at work now, so I will most likely post in another 24 hours. I am in Australia (GMT +1000). The Inheritance demo lets you go to lots of places which need a description :) but entry of verbs is not available yet. I couldn't get TRDemo going at all because it was looking for module "library.box", which did not come with 0.9.3. This is the area that got me interested in Twisted in the first place. Good luck with your efforts. Cheers, ChrisH -- This transmission is for the intended addressee only and is confidential information. If you have received this transmission in error, please delete it and notify the sender. The contents of this e-mail are the opinion of the writer only and are not endorsed by the Mincom Group of companies unless expressly stated otherwise.

On Mon, 6 Aug 2001, Chris Hadgis wrote:
I couldn't get TRDemo going at all because it was looking for module "library.box", which did not come with 0.9.3.
As I mentioned before, please upgrade. 0.9.4 is out, and the TRDemo .tar.gz has been updated to fix this problem. ______ __ __ _____ _ _ | ____ | \_/ |_____] |_____| |_____| |_____ | | | | @ t w i s t e d m a t r i x . c o m http://twistedmatrix.com/users/glyph

From: "M.J. Stahl" <mjmstahl@one.net>
Okay, here it goes... Note: these are the instructions for getting inheritance going on 0.9.3. I imagine the instructions will be fairly similar for 0.9.4 and 0.9.5. Hmm, except for the fact that spl files have been renamed to tap files and mkserver is replacing mk*server. Anyhow, here is what I did. * unzip inheritance.tar.gz into Twisted-0.9.3 This places build_map and the inheritance directory in Twisted-0.9.3. If you plan on creating more than one reality server, you may want to rename build_map to build_map_inherit to distinguish the build_map files of each server * gnusto build_map inherit.rpl mapcopy.py This creates two files - inherit.rpl and mapcopy.py - from the build_map file. inherit.rpl can then be used for... * mkrealityserver inherit.rpl This creates a file called reality.spl. This can be renamed if you are going to run more than one world on the reality server. In fact, I would argue for the case of using the rpl filename as the filename for the spl file, ie inherit.rpl produces inherit.spl. * twistd -f reality.spl This starts the server with the reality.spl file. Start your browser and point it to and you will see a login screen. The username is "Damien" and the password is "admin". If this doesn't get you going, let me know and I'll try and help you some more. Thanks to Glyph for the leg-up to get as far as I did. If I get time tonight to look at 0.9.5, I will amend the instructions and repost them. Also, if the person or people responsible for creating the reality server and the reality worlds is still on this list, I would like to hear from the re: how they originally saw this project going when it was set aside. For instance, was this meant to be a Python web-based version of an Inform Z-machine or TADS interpreter? Something similar? Something different? I hope this helps somewhat. Cheers, ChrisH -- This transmission is for the intended addressee only and is confidential information. If you have received this transmission in error, please delete it and notify the sender. The contents of this e-mail are the opinion of the writer only and are not endorsed by the Mincom Group of companies unless expressly stated otherwise.

I loaded Twisted-0.9.5 on my Win98 machine yesterday. The instructions in the readme files for the inheritance and trdemo worlds were very good. I built both worlds and was able to run them successfully - up to a point. I was able to use the same DOS session up to and including the instrucition to run twistd with the reality.tap. At this point I opened up Internet Explorer, went to \\localhost\8080, and saw the login screen. After entering the username and password I was able to navigate around both worlds okay. The problem came with running faucet. I could not get faucet to communicate with twistd or Internet Explorer. I *think* faucet is where the player would be able to enter commands for the game. I saw some of the other comments on the list earlier re: Windows and its lack of a fork() call, and I suspect this is the problem. If Twisted is to become portable across platforms, then this problem will need to be addressed at some stage. I really would like to help with the reality part of the Twisted project, but unless I get access to a Unix OS or Twisted works 100% under Windows, I don't know how much I can do :( I am still keen to hear what visions the original reality developers had (or have) for the future. Cheers, ChrisH -- This transmission is for the intended addressee only and is confidential information. If you have received this transmission in error, please delete it and notify the sender. The contents of this e-mail are the opinion of the writer only and are not endorsed by the Mincom Group of companies unless expressly stated otherwise.

On Thu, 9 Aug 2001, Chris Hadgis wrote:
I loaded Twisted-0.9.5 on my Win98 machine yesterday.
Do not despair! There's only one minor error.
The problem came with running faucet.
Here's the answer to your problem: you're probably logging in to the 'reality' service. Unfortunately login error reporting is not the various PB clients' strong point (bug noted...). Change the "reality" field on your login dialog to be 'twisted.reality' and it should work.
I *think* faucet is where the player would be able to enter commands for the game.
Indeed it is.
This deficiency of Windows only affects CGI in Twisted.Web. Given that the audience for Twisted on Windows is small, and the audience for Twisted + CGI is even smaller, I think that this problem will remain unaddressed until someone who cares about both of these things devotes some time to fixing it. So far, Jürgen Hermann is the only person I can think of who exists in that intersection :-).
Let me know if this solution fixes your problem. ______ __ __ _____ _ _ | ____ | \_/ |_____] |_____| |_____| |_____ | | | | @ t w i s t e d m a t r i x . c o m http://twistedmatrix.com/users/glyph

On Fri, 3 Aug 2001, M.J. Stahl wrote:
What's the traceback? If you email it we'll probably be able to figure out the problem a lot faster :)
Can someone please give me a general breakdown on getting TRDemo or Inheritance started.
Make sure you have all the latest stuff; 0.9.4 fixes some minor problems with reality and there are new .tar.gz files in the 'reality' directory on the website. If you do that and things are still broken, please send the traceback so I see what's happening, at least. ______ __ __ _____ _ _ | ____ | \_/ |_____] |_____| |_____| |_____ | | | | @ t w i s t e d m a t r i x . c o m http://twistedmatrix.com/users/glyph

While doing up some documentation for Twisted on Windows, I found a small problem with runtests. The test for DirDbm fails when the script tries to create the file "/tmp/dirdbm". The creation of this file is handled by calls to the os and os.path modules. Under Windows, an error occurs when trying to create this directory. There are a number of solutions to this problem but I don't know how similar os and os.path conflicts have been resolved. Glyph, is there a standard way to handle this? I don't know how prevalent the use of these modules is. It may be that Twisted can not be ported to Windows. I don't think this will be the case as I did build and run a static server. A bigger concern as far as runtests goes is it does not shut down cleanly on Windows. I have not tried to track this problem down yet, but I suspect it has something to do with the os and os.path modules - such as the use of fork(), for example. This is also a problem with running twistd to get the static server going, but I think a wrapper Python script could fix this. I'll post my Windows documentation when I get it finished. Cheers, ChrisH -- This transmission is for the intended addressee only and is confidential information. If you have received this transmission in error, please delete it and notify the sender. The contents of this e-mail are the opinion of the writer only and are not endorsed by the Mincom Group of companies unless expressly stated otherwise.

From: "M.J. Stahl" <mjmstahl@one.net>
I got Inheritance running, eventually, under Windows 98. If you'd like the details of how, I will post them tomorrow as it is my home machine. I am at work now, so I will most likely post in another 24 hours. I am in Australia (GMT +1000). The Inheritance demo lets you go to lots of places which need a description :) but entry of verbs is not available yet. I couldn't get TRDemo going at all because it was looking for module "library.box", which did not come with 0.9.3. This is the area that got me interested in Twisted in the first place. Good luck with your efforts. Cheers, ChrisH -- This transmission is for the intended addressee only and is confidential information. If you have received this transmission in error, please delete it and notify the sender. The contents of this e-mail are the opinion of the writer only and are not endorsed by the Mincom Group of companies unless expressly stated otherwise.

On Mon, 6 Aug 2001, Chris Hadgis wrote:
I couldn't get TRDemo going at all because it was looking for module "library.box", which did not come with 0.9.3.
As I mentioned before, please upgrade. 0.9.4 is out, and the TRDemo .tar.gz has been updated to fix this problem. ______ __ __ _____ _ _ | ____ | \_/ |_____] |_____| |_____| |_____ | | | | @ t w i s t e d m a t r i x . c o m http://twistedmatrix.com/users/glyph

From: "M.J. Stahl" <mjmstahl@one.net>
Okay, here it goes... Note: these are the instructions for getting inheritance going on 0.9.3. I imagine the instructions will be fairly similar for 0.9.4 and 0.9.5. Hmm, except for the fact that spl files have been renamed to tap files and mkserver is replacing mk*server. Anyhow, here is what I did. * unzip inheritance.tar.gz into Twisted-0.9.3 This places build_map and the inheritance directory in Twisted-0.9.3. If you plan on creating more than one reality server, you may want to rename build_map to build_map_inherit to distinguish the build_map files of each server * gnusto build_map inherit.rpl mapcopy.py This creates two files - inherit.rpl and mapcopy.py - from the build_map file. inherit.rpl can then be used for... * mkrealityserver inherit.rpl This creates a file called reality.spl. This can be renamed if you are going to run more than one world on the reality server. In fact, I would argue for the case of using the rpl filename as the filename for the spl file, ie inherit.rpl produces inherit.spl. * twistd -f reality.spl This starts the server with the reality.spl file. Start your browser and point it to and you will see a login screen. The username is "Damien" and the password is "admin". If this doesn't get you going, let me know and I'll try and help you some more. Thanks to Glyph for the leg-up to get as far as I did. If I get time tonight to look at 0.9.5, I will amend the instructions and repost them. Also, if the person or people responsible for creating the reality server and the reality worlds is still on this list, I would like to hear from the re: how they originally saw this project going when it was set aside. For instance, was this meant to be a Python web-based version of an Inform Z-machine or TADS interpreter? Something similar? Something different? I hope this helps somewhat. Cheers, ChrisH -- This transmission is for the intended addressee only and is confidential information. If you have received this transmission in error, please delete it and notify the sender. The contents of this e-mail are the opinion of the writer only and are not endorsed by the Mincom Group of companies unless expressly stated otherwise.

I loaded Twisted-0.9.5 on my Win98 machine yesterday. The instructions in the readme files for the inheritance and trdemo worlds were very good. I built both worlds and was able to run them successfully - up to a point. I was able to use the same DOS session up to and including the instrucition to run twistd with the reality.tap. At this point I opened up Internet Explorer, went to \\localhost\8080, and saw the login screen. After entering the username and password I was able to navigate around both worlds okay. The problem came with running faucet. I could not get faucet to communicate with twistd or Internet Explorer. I *think* faucet is where the player would be able to enter commands for the game. I saw some of the other comments on the list earlier re: Windows and its lack of a fork() call, and I suspect this is the problem. If Twisted is to become portable across platforms, then this problem will need to be addressed at some stage. I really would like to help with the reality part of the Twisted project, but unless I get access to a Unix OS or Twisted works 100% under Windows, I don't know how much I can do :( I am still keen to hear what visions the original reality developers had (or have) for the future. Cheers, ChrisH -- This transmission is for the intended addressee only and is confidential information. If you have received this transmission in error, please delete it and notify the sender. The contents of this e-mail are the opinion of the writer only and are not endorsed by the Mincom Group of companies unless expressly stated otherwise.

On Thu, 9 Aug 2001, Chris Hadgis wrote:
I loaded Twisted-0.9.5 on my Win98 machine yesterday.
Do not despair! There's only one minor error.
The problem came with running faucet.
Here's the answer to your problem: you're probably logging in to the 'reality' service. Unfortunately login error reporting is not the various PB clients' strong point (bug noted...). Change the "reality" field on your login dialog to be 'twisted.reality' and it should work.
I *think* faucet is where the player would be able to enter commands for the game.
Indeed it is.
This deficiency of Windows only affects CGI in Twisted.Web. Given that the audience for Twisted on Windows is small, and the audience for Twisted + CGI is even smaller, I think that this problem will remain unaddressed until someone who cares about both of these things devotes some time to fixing it. So far, Jürgen Hermann is the only person I can think of who exists in that intersection :-).
Let me know if this solution fixes your problem. ______ __ __ _____ _ _ | ____ | \_/ |_____] |_____| |_____| |_____ | | | | @ t w i s t e d m a t r i x . c o m http://twistedmatrix.com/users/glyph
participants (4)
Chris Hadgis
Glyph Lefkowitz
M.J. Stahl