Re: [Twisted-Python] ZSI using Twisted Web Server

On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 7:06 AM, Torsten A. <> wrote:
Whenever I connect to the baseWS, the render-function is called and deligates the request to render_POST(), which I created. In render_POST() I can access the SOAP-Envelope via, just as supposed to. Now, since I have the plaintext SOAP-Envelope, I need ZSI to parse it, extract the functions and argument of the envelope (RPC call) and call the corresponding function. I just cannot figure out where to start in ZSI.
Can someone help me out which function to call/ class to create? I just want to enter the ZSI process where this step is done and then give control to ZSI, as if it received the SOAP-envelope from its own webserver.
It sounds like you've figured out the Twisted side alright, but you don't know how to use ZSI's APIs to do what you want. Perhaps you should ask the ZSI community about that. FWIW, I'd love to see twisted.web.soap to be updated to use ZSI, since it's still using the crappy SOAPpy. If you come up with a general soap service layer like twisted.web.soap, it may be interesting to include it in Twisted. -- Christopher Armstrong International Man of Twistery

Thanks for your reply. Actually you are right, but I already did that and wasn't succesfull up to this moment. So I thought someone here might have an idea, because he or she has already done that, to marry ZSI and Twisted Webserver. Cheers, Torsten
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: [mailto:twisted-python-] Im Auftrag von Christopher Armstrong Gesendet: Dienstag, 1. Juli 2008 14:00 An: Twisted general discussion Betreff: Re: [Twisted-Python] ZSI using Twisted Web Server
Whenever I connect to the baseWS, the render-function is called and deligates the request to render_POST(), which I created. In render_POST() I can access the SOAP-Envelope via, just as supposed to. Now, since I have the plaintext SOAP-Envelope, I need ZSI to parse it, extract the functions and argument of the envelope (RPC call) and call
On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 7:06 AM, Torsten A. <> wrote: the
corresponding function. I just cannot figure out where to start in ZSI.
Can someone help me out which function to call/ class to create? I just want to enter the ZSI process where this step is done and then give control to ZSI, as if it received the SOAP-envelope from its own webserver.
It sounds like you've figured out the Twisted side alright, but you don't know how to use ZSI's APIs to do what you want. Perhaps you should ask the ZSI community about that.
FWIW, I'd love to see twisted.web.soap to be updated to use ZSI, since it's still using the crappy SOAPpy. If you come up with a general soap service layer like twisted.web.soap, it may be interesting to include it in Twisted.
-- Christopher Armstrong International Man of Twistery
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Christopher Armstrong
Torsten A.